UTF-8 characters in the password might be the problem.  Are you using Java
7 or 8?

Looking at the Java spec, it expects ISO-8859-1 encoding on the file if you
are using Java 7:

Java 8 looks like it uses UTF-8 by default now:

Someone else who is more familiar with the code base can tell me if I'm
wrong here.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Stephane KERAIN <stephane.ker...@infodb.fr
> wrote:

> First, thank you for your help. :)
> I tried your test (I already do it) and it success: I'm able to read user
> info from AD. The password contains UTF-8 characters, do you think it would
> be an encoding issue ?
> [image: Stéphane KERAIN [Cliquez-ici pour en savoir plus...]]
> <http://sign-up.solutions/stephane-kerain/>
> ------------------------------
> *De :* Patrick Gardella <patrick.garde...@asburyseminary.edu>
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 12 octobre 2016 16:20:44
> *À :* Stephane KERAIN
> *Objet :* Re: [cas-user] CAS 4.2.5 - AD authentication failed
> If I'm reading your log correctly (I'm fairly new to this myself), I see
> that AD is returning an error code 52e near the end of your log snippet:
>  [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903C8, comment:
> AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v2580^@]
> Looking up that error code points to "invalid credentials".  (See
> http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21290631 for details)
> Since it is not returnning a "data 525" error, that means that it
> recognizes the user, but you have the wrong password.
> If you are running this on a Linux system, you can install the ldap-utils
> package
> sudo apt-get install libnss-ldap ldap-utils
> and then run a query from the command line, to make sure you have things
> setup properly.  Using your variables, the command would be:
> ldapsearch -T -x -H ldap://my-ldap-server.my-domain:389 -b 
> 'DC=my-domain,DC=global-domain' -w 'manager-password' -D 
> 'my-manager@my-domain.global-domain' -Z sAMAccountName='some username here 
> that exists in your AD'
> Patrick+
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 9:31 AM, KERAIN Stéphane <
> stephane.ker...@infodb.fr> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to configure my CAS server for AD authentication. I've read
>> the documentation several times and do multiple try but nothing to do, AD
>> authentication failed.
>> Need some help, please. :)
>> Best regards, Stépĥane.
>> ---
>> cas.properties:
>> server.name=https://my-cas-server:8028
>> server.prefix=${server.name}/cas
>> host.name=my-cas-server.my-domain
>> webflow.encryption.key=jVOzaqhPXOgMbakc
>> webflow.signing.key=QIsan9FM86T-1W8QZaDmD8N3VzZC9P2YrWqxNWMN
>> -qLFujSt0EShBZdzVtC5ttTRTGMB6pyWzIA3zI2VDk4yrg
>> accept.authn.users=casuser::Mellon
>> ldap.url=ldap://my-ldap-server.my-domain:389
>> ldap.useStartTLS=false
>> ldap.rootDn=dc=my-domain,dc=global-domain
>> #ldap.baseDn=OU=USERS,OU=MY-OU,DC=my-domain,DC=global-domain
>> ldap.baseDn=DC=my-domain,DC=global-domain
>> ldap.connectTimeout=3000
>> #ldap.managerDn=CN=my-manager,OU=DOMAINE,OU=ADMINISTRATEUR,O
>> U=USERS,OU=MY-OU,DC=my-domain,DC=global-domain
>> ldap.managerDn=my-manager@my-domain.global-domain
>> ldap.managerPassword=manager-password
>> ldap.pool.minSize=1
>> ldap.pool.maxSize=10
>> ldap.pool.validateOnCheckout=false
>> ldap.pool.validatePeriodically=true
>> ldap.pool.blockWaitTime=3000
>> ldap.pool.validatePeriod=300
>> ldap.pool.prunePeriod=300
>> ldap.pool.idleTime=600
>> ldap.authn.searchFilter=cn={user}
>> ldap.domain=my-domain.global-domain
>> ldap.usePpolicy=false
>> ldap.allowMultipleDns=false
>> ---
>> catalina.out:
>> 2016-10-12 14:54:33,364 DEBUG [org.ldaptive.BindOperation] - <execute
>> request=[org.ldaptive.BindRequest@237353622::bindDn=my-user@my.domain,
>> saslConfig=null, controls=null, referralHandler=null,
>> intermediateResponseHandlers=null] with connection=[org.ldaptive.Defau
>> ltConnectionFactory$DefaultConnection@896428015::config=[
>> org.ldaptive.ConnectionConfig@1457929333::ldapUrl=ldap://my-server.mydomain:389,
>> connectTimeout=3000, responseTimeout=-1, sslConfig=null, useSSL=false,
>> useStartTLS=false, connectionInitializer=[org.lda
>> ptive.BindConnectionInitializer@1737965895::bindDn=my-user@my.domain,
>> bindSaslConfig=null, bindControls=null]], providerConnectionFactory=[org
>> .ldaptive.provider.jndi.JndiConnectionFactory@1727525661::
>> metadata=[ldapUrl=ldap://my-server.mydomain:389, count=1],
>> environment={com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout=3000,
>> java.naming.ldap.version=3, java.naming.factory.initial=co
>> m.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory}, providerConfig=[org.ldaptive.p
>> rovider.jndi.JndiProviderConfig@135425996::operationExceptionResultCodes=[PROTOCOL_ERROR,
>> SERVER_DOWN], properties={}, connectionStrategy=org.ldaptiv
>> e.provider.DefaultConnectionStrategy@10afcf37,
>> controlProcessor=org.ldaptive.provider.ControlProcessor@3ae04798,
>> environment=null, tracePackets=null, removeDnUrls=true,
>> PARTIAL_RESULTS], sslSocketFactory=null, hostnameVerifier=null]],
>> providerConnection=org.ldaptive.provider.jndi.JndiConnection@6579518f]>
>> 2016-10-12 14:54:33,374 ERROR [org.ldaptive.pool.BlockingConnectionPool]
>> - <[org.ldaptive.pool.BlockingConnectionPool@923455700::name=bind-pool,
>> poolConfig=[org.ldaptive.pool.PoolConfig@259215693::minPoolSize=1,
>> maxPoolSize=10, validateOnCheckIn=false, validateOnCheckOut=false,
>> validatePeriodically=true, validatePeriod=300], activator=null,
>> passivator=null, validator=[org.ldaptive.pool.SearchValidator@1357400872
>> ::searchRequest=[org.ldaptive.SearchRequest@1061773616::baseDn=,
>> searchFilter=[org.ldaptive.SearchFilter@1642584434::filter=(objectClass=*),
>> parameters={}], returnAttributes=[1.1], searchScope=OBJECT, timeLimit=0,
>> sizeLimit=1, derefAliases=null, typesOnly=false, binaryAttributes=null,
>> sortBehavior=UNORDERED, searchEntryHandlers=null,
>> searchReferenceHandlers=null, controls=null, referralHandler=null,
>> intermediateResponseHandlers=null]] pruneStrategy=[org.ldaptive.po
>> ol.IdlePruneStrategy@1429310040::prunePeriod=300, idleTime=600],
>> connectOnCreate=true, connectionFactory=[org.ldaptiv
>> e.DefaultConnectionFactory@306776633::provider=org.ldaptive.
>> provider.jndi.JndiProvider@15221fc1, config=[org.ldaptive.Connectio
>> nConfig@1457929333::ldapUrl=ldap://my-server.mydomain:389,
>> connectTimeout=3000, responseTimeout=-1, sslConfig=null, useSSL=false,
>> useStartTLS=false, connectionInitializer=[org.lda
>> ptive.BindConnectionInitializer@1737965895::bindDn=my-user@my.domain,
>> bindSaslConfig=null, bindControls=null]]], initialized=false,
>> availableCount=0, activeCount=0] unable to connect to the ldap>
>> org.ldaptive.LdapException: javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP:
>> error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903C8, comment:
>> AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v2580^@]
>>         at 
>> org.ldaptive.provider.ProviderUtils.throwOperationException(ProviderUtils.java:55)
>> ~[ldaptive-1.1.0.jar:?]
>>         at 
>> org.ldaptive.provider.jndi.JndiConnection.processNamingException(JndiConnection.java:619)
>> ~[ldaptive-1.1.0.jar:?]
>> ...
>> --
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