Today's Topics:

   1. Library of Congress-CEAL Cataloging       Internship for 2017 (Elaine
   2. ALCTS 2017 Publication Awards nominations sought (Elaine Franco)


Message: 1

NOTE: CEAL = Council on East Asian Libraries (The organization for East
Asian librarians in North America).

September 7, 2016

Dear cataloging colleagues,

Encouraged by the number of applications, strong support of our library
community, and the successful completion of the internship program in recent
years, the Committee on Technical Processing and the Library of Congress
will again coordinate and carry out the Library of Congress-CEAL Cataloging
Internship Program in 2017.  CEAL developed this Internship Program
partnership with the Library of Congress in order to provide training
opportunities to those who may not have access to adequate cataloging
training support in their own institutions, or to those who have been
assigned to catalog materials in a language with which they are not entirely

Experienced catalogers who wish to develop expertise in cataloging material
in a certain subject or subjects (i.e. law material or manga), or in a
specialized format, are also encouraged to apply.

The interns selected will receive substantial training at the Library of
Congress from the Library's catalogers.

*Logistics of the Program*

?                The Committee on Technical Processing will screen the 2017
applications, and will forward one or two qualified applicants to the
Library of Congress.

?                Later in 2016, the Library of Congress will select up to
two qualified applicants for an internship of between one and three months
in duration.  The person selected will directly negotiate the length of the
internship, its timing and general content with the Library of Congress.

?                The Library of Congress will supply training materials,
workspace, training and review by experience catalogers in one or more
aspects of cataloging East Asian language materials.  All other expenses
(travel, lodging, meals, and incidentals) are the responsibility of the
intern and/or his/her employer.

?                CEAL will reimburse each intern up to $1,000 for expenses
incurred.  Upon successful completion of the program, the intern may submit
receipts for expenses to the Committee for reimbursement.  An intern whose
institution has provided no money for expenses will receive the full amount.

?                Upon completion of her/his internship at the Library of
Congress, the intern will be required to submit an evaluative written


The application process will be overseen by the members of the Subcommittee
on Library of Congress-CEAL Cataloging Internship Program:  Philip Melzer
(Chair), Keiko Suzuki, and Erminia Chao.  The Subcommittee will recommend
candidates according to a set of pre-determined selection criteria, and the
Library of Congress will make final decisions.  The application deadline is
**Friday, October 28, 2016**. If possible, the intern selected will be
announced in advance of the CEAL meetings in March 2017. 

*Selection Criteria*

The Subcommittee members will evaluate applications based on the following

The Candidate:

?                If a non-US citizen, must have H1 or permanent resident
visa status that permits him/her to participate in the program;

?                Is a CEAL member in good standing;

?                Is recommended by his/her employer or university with a
formal letter of recommendation;

?                Has significant responsibility for East Asian language
resources and at least some experience in cataloging;

?                Lacks in-house training support, or has been assigned to
catalog material in a language with which he/she is not sufficiently
conversant, or would benefit from training in a certain subject or format to
perform assigned cataloging duties.

To apply, please fill out the *application form
and send it as an email attachment to all three Subcommittee members:
Philip Melzer ( <>); Erminia Chao ( <>); and Keiko Suzuki ( <>).  The application deadline
is* Friday,
October 28,
2016. The deadline for letters of recommendation is also Friday, October 28,
2016.  *For questions, please feel free to contact the Subcommittee members
or visit our webpage:

If you qualify, please consider applying for an internship this year.

Sincerely yours,

Philip Melzer
Chair, Subcommittee on Internship <>

Subcommittee Members

Philip Melzer

Keiko Suzuki

Erminia Chao


Message: 2

Nominations are being accepted for the 2017 Association for Library
Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) awards for excellence in
publication. ALCTS presents two Publication Awards to honor individuals for
outstanding achievement in research and writing in the field of library
collections and technical services.

If you are interested in nominating a publication for either of the awards,
contact the chair of that award jury. The deadline for nominations and
supporting materials is Dec. 1.

Edward Swanson Memorial Best of LRTS Award

The award is given in honor of Edward Swanson, LRTS Book Review Editor and
long time indexer, to the author(s) of the best paper published in Library
Resources & Technical Services (LRTS), the official journal of ALCTS. The
winner will receive a citation and $250 from ALCTS. Papers published in
volume 60 (2016) are eligible for consideration, with the exception of
official reports and documents, obituaries, letters to the editor and
biographies of award winners. Each paper will be judged on the following
points: content with a significant contribution about one or more issues
addressed by ALCTS and its sections; statements in the paper are adequately
supported by accurate data and/or documentation; and clear and readable
writing style.

Send nominations, along with the author, title and volume and issue of the
paper being nominated and the reasons for the nomination to: Erin
ard>, chair, Best of LRTS Jury.

Visit the Edward Swanson Best of LRTS Award
page<> for more

ALCTS Outstanding Publication Award

The award honors an author or authors who have written the year's
outstanding monograph, article or original paper in the field of technical
services, including acquisitions, cataloging, collection management,
preservation, continuing resources and related areas in the library field.
The award consists of a citation and $250 contributed by ALCTS. Works
published in 2016 are eligible. Reprints of earlier publications will not be
considered. The evaluation criteria include: intellectual content; practical
value; theoretical value; scholarship; presentation; and style. Papers
published in Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS) are not eligible.

Send nominations, along with a statement giving the full bibliographic
citation of the article, book or paper being nominated and reasons for the
nomination to: Kristin
20Award>, chair, Publication Jury.

Visit the Outstanding Publication Award
page<> for more information.


End of Tsig Digest, Vol 53, Issue 14

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