Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Valerie Bross (1954-2016) (Julie Moore)


Message: 1


 With tremendous sadness, I need to let you know that Valerie lost her  long
battle with cancer this morning. Just a month ago I wrote you the message
appended below on her retirement to sum up her incredible career.  Quite a
number of you took the opportunity offered to write tributes and good wishes
on 3 x 5 cards that were sent to Valerie last month.  A small selection:

I've so appreciated your thoughtfulness and encouragement over the years an
important factor in my decision to get my MLIS.*

 *I wanted to thank you for your kindness whenever I had any questions.  I
profoundly admire your knowledge.*

*I appreciate your generosity of your time, effort and for your knowledge.*

*I am honored to work with you.  I learned consistency, discipline and so
many wonderful things from you.*

*You have always brought such a spark to us.*

 *Thanks for all that you have given us at UCLA and beyond.*

*Your kindness, thoughtfulness, support will always be remembered.  You have
been a very special colleague. *

You have captured so well what made her a special human being.  We will miss

John Riemer

End of Tsig Digest, Vol 54, Issue 10

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