Zitat von Jurgen Pletinckx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> hang on. There _is_ a perl job market in Belgium? That's good to know
> I didn't find one last time I looked. (But then, that was long ago,
> and I didn't look very hard.)

Which raises my all-time favourite question: Why is Perl still going strong
in the US and UK whereas good-old Europe seems to has already abandoned it
completely? I can only speak for Germany though but I have the feeling that the
people here always have to do a thing the most academic way possible (think
Java). On the other hand, people in the US just want to get a particular job
done - which is what perl was made for. This really frustrates me! I have
had an eye on the jobs.perl.org site and various other job-sites for a couple
of months now and judging from this I should have emigrated to the US a long
time ago :)


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