Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-26 Thread Jonathan Tweed

On 26 Jan 2008, at 18:57, Ian Docherty wrote:

Now, this means that the client system will have a http response  
returned with 'status' '302' and 'location' '/class/id/1234' which  
I presume they will have to parse to determine the ID of the newly  
created item?

Not if they follow the redirect and the representation contains the ID.


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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-26 Thread Ian Docherty

Thomas L. Shinnick wrote:

One important topic in the book is that people mix 'verbs' into their 
URIs when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_ to.  
Using the book's concepts your URIs would become

1)  GET/class?pattern=breadbox
2)  GET/class/id/
3)  PUT/class/id/
4)  POST /class

1) is your "/class/search" and says "let me retrieve the 
representation/list of the items selected by searching for the given 
pattern", where the base URI would indicate the set/list of items, and 
the pattern is kept in the query parameters because it could be 
anything.  Note that the idea is that "GET /class" references the list 
of all items, and you here are just qualifying that search with the 

2) Your "/class/id//view" would be seen in strict REST as just a 
GET of "/class/id/".  The HTTP 'verb' GET already says give me a 
representation of the item.  Done.

3) Your "/class/id//update" would become a PUT of 
"/class/id/", where the new representation coming from the remote 
client would _replace_ the old representation/data for that item.  
This strict use of the HTTP 'PUT' verb is actually the hardest to 
accomplish, as it assumes that the remote client can receive and 
update a representation on the client, and then send it back using 
PUT.  It is easiest to picture this usage when the client completely 
replaces the old representation held on the server.  (see farther 
below for why)

4) Your "/class/create" becomes a POST to "/class".  This was another 
concept brought out by the book.  The matter of "who determines the 
item's 'id'" is important.  Here we assume that the _server_ will 
determine the id of the new added item.  You do a POST to the base URI 
of the data area, and the server determines the new id, stores the 
data into the item, and does a redirect to tell the remote client 
where the new item is, that is, what is the new item's URI, for 
instance "/class/id/1234".
I am just doing this now. The way I have implemented it is that an item 
is created by doing a POST to /class/create and the item is saved in the 
database. Then the browser is redirected to GET /class/id/1234 (for 
example) where the newly created item (with id 1234) can be read.

Now, this means that the client system will have a http response 
returned with 'status' '302' and 'location' '/class/id/1234' which I 
presume they will have to parse to determine the ID of the newly created 

Is this correct?

Why is "who determines the id" important?  Because it says what HTTP 
verb you should use to create a new item.  If the server, you use POST 
to "add another" item.  (Much discussion of "that most misunderstood 
of HTTP methods: POST" in the book)  But if the remote client were to 
determine the id, say because the id is a license plate number input 
at the client, then strict REST would say the client should do a PUT 
to "/class/id/STRWBYP" and the client would send the complete data for 
the item.  The server would create the item using the id 'STRWBYP" as 
requested by the client.

Creation using POST would say create a new item and tell me (the 
client) where you (the server) put it.  Creation using PUT defines 
where to put it to the server, because the client knows what the id 
should be.

So under some designs it is possible that PUT will be used for both 
creation of new items and update (replacement) of existing items.  In 
both these cases (under such a design) the client knows the correct id 
for the item. 

Anyway this spew was prompted by the new pedant seeing 'REST' in the 
subject and then no mention of 'PUT', etc.  The book tries to be clear 
that it depends on both your design and the >>capabilities of the 
client<< whether you can implement using the strict REST HTTP verb set 
GET, PUT, and POST, or whether you must compromise on a REST-like set 
of GET and POST.  The authors discuss how to "overload POST" to effect 
PUT-like usage, because we have to implement in the real world.  But 
they are clear about the goals of RESTful design, the problems it 
solves, and the benefits it brings "in the real world".

It looks to be very useful to consider URI design with a view towards 
"how would I accomplish this by splitting my data objects into URI 
addressable data that can be manipulated using the full set of HTTP 
verbs GET, PUT, POST and HEAD.  (And not putting verbs into URIs that 
might be cached)"

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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Zbigniew Lukasiak
On Jan 20, 2008 10:33 PM, Thomas L. Shinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 01:56 PM 1/20/2008, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:
> I know this has been discussed already - but I can't find it in the
> archives.
>  What I conjured is:
>  /class/search
>  /class/id//view
>  /class/id//update
>  /class/create
>  Update and create use really the same logic and templates - so I just
>  forward to a create_or_update action from them.
>  What are your opinions?
>  --
>  Zbigniew Lukasiak
>  The book "RESTful Web Services" has been very useful to me in understanding
> the confusion about what REST means when it comes to 'verbs'.  And that I'm
> interested in how close one can come to 'strict' REST design using Catalyst.
>  One important topic in the book is that people mix 'verbs' into their URIs
> when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_ to.  Using the
> book's concepts your URIs would become
>  1)  GET/class?pattern=breadbox
>  2)  GET/class/id/
>  3)  PUT/class/id/
>  4)  POST /class

While we are at that - I do understand the need to divide the
operations into the 'indempotent' and 'non-indempotent' classes
(because of caching and predictive link loading) - but what is really
the practical argument for having two more classes (PUT and DELETE)?


>  1) is your "/class/search" and says "let me retrieve the
> representation/list of the items selected by searching for the given
> pattern", where the base URI would indicate the set/list of items, and the
> pattern is kept in the query parameters because it could be anything.  Note
> that the idea is that "GET /class" references the list of all items, and you
> here are just qualifying that search with the pattern.
>  2) Your "/class/id//view" would be seen in strict REST as just a GET of
> "/class/id/".  The HTTP 'verb' GET already says give me a representation
> of the item.  Done.
>  3) Your "/class/id//update" would become a PUT of "/class/id/",
> where the new representation coming from the remote client would _replace_
> the old representation/data for that item.  This strict use of the HTTP
> 'PUT' verb is actually the hardest to accomplish, as it assumes that the
> remote client can receive and update a representation on the client, and
> then send it back using PUT.  It is easiest to picture this usage when the
> client completely replaces the old representation held on the server.  (see
> farther below for why)
>  4) Your "/class/create" becomes a POST to "/class".  This was another
> concept brought out by the book.  The matter of "who determines the item's
> 'id'" is important.  Here we assume that the _server_ will determine the id
> of the new added item.  You do a POST to the base URI of the data area, and
> the server determines the new id, stores the data into the item, and does a
> redirect to tell the remote client where the new item is, that is, what is
> the new item's URI, for instance "/class/id/1234".
>  Why is "who determines the id" important?  Because it says what HTTP verb
> you should use to create a new item.  If the server, you use POST to "add
> another" item.  (Much discussion of "that most misunderstood of HTTP
> methods: POST" in the book)  But if the remote client were to determine the
> id, say because the id is a license plate number input at the client, then
> strict REST would say the client should do a PUT to "/class/id/STRWBYP" and
> the client would send the complete data for the item.  The server would
> create the item using the id 'STRWBYP" as requested by the client.
>  Creation using POST would say create a new item and tell me (the client)
> where you (the server) put it.  Creation using PUT defines where to put it
> to the server, because the client knows what the id should be.
>  So under some designs it is possible that PUT will be used for both
> creation of new items and update (replacement) of existing items.  In both
> these cases (under such a design) the client knows the correct id for the
> item.
>  Anyway this spew was prompted by the new pedant seeing 'REST' in the
> subject and then no mention of 'PUT', etc.  The book tries to be clear that
> it depends on both your design and the >>capabilities of the client<<
> whether you can implement using the strict REST HTTP verb set GET, PUT, and
> POST, or whether you must compromise on a REST-like set of GET and POST.
> The authors discuss how to "overload POST" to effect PUT-like usage, because
> we have to implement in the real world.  But they are clear about the goals
> of RESTful design, the problems it solves, and the benefits it brings "in
> the real world".
>  It looks to be very useful to consider URI design with a view towards "how
> would I accomplish this by splitting my data objects into URI addressable
> data that can be manipulated using the full set of HTTP verbs GET, PUT, POST
> and HEAD.  (And not putting verbs into URIs that mi

Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 04:11 PM 1/20/2008, Ashley wrote:

On Jan 20, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Thomas L. Shinnick wrote:

At 01:56 PM 1/20/2008, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:


One important topic in the book is that people mix 'verbs' into 
their URIs when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_ 
to.  Using the book's concepts your URIs would become

1)  GET/class?pattern=breadbox
2)  GET/class/id/
3)  PUT/class/id/
4)  POST /class

Clipped a bunch. This is great food for thought. I am missing in 
this scheme how you would know to serve the form for updating. That 
seems to be the real point of /class/id//update. I suppose that 
should be /class/id//edit instead and it would, if it could, 
properly PUT the form to /class/id/, yes?


Rats, I can't pinpoint the area where they talk about this (serving 
forms) in the book.  Two points of departure:

First, there is a difference when talking about how you go about 
implementing RESTful interactions where both the client/server are 
programmed, that is, where data is exchanged directly and people 
aren't involved.  When you instead want to make accommodations for 
allowing more classical (non-Javascript) interactions it _does_ get 
cloudy.  And if you want to serve _both_ programmed and human 
interactions it gets positively foggy.  You don't want to start 
having alternate URIs just to specify what 'kind' of representations 
to serve.   So...

Second, if there are multiple representations for an item, how do we 
specify which representation is being requested?  The authors ask 
that you try to use something like the Accept: header, so that a 
Javascript program can specify that it wants an XML or JSON 
representation, _rather_ than an HTML form representation.  If you 
want to allow plain unenhanced browsers you could serve the form in 
HTML by default.  But if the request specifically said give me 
straight data, the server would see the "Accept: application/json" (I 
think that's right) and respond with "Content-type: 
application/xml".  Program or person - the HTTP headers tell you which.

Now they again mention real-world hiccups, where some component might 
not pass-thru or pay attention to headers like Accept.  They offer 
that you could (if forced) specify the desired content type in either 
the query parameters or even the URI itself, where they suggest an 
extension.  Thus "GET /class/1234.xml" would be what a program might 
request, rather than a plain "GET /class/1234" which might default to HTML.

Basically they keep coming back to the same theme: use HTTP to its 
fullest, both headers and methods (e.g. PUT), and much becomes 
possible that otherwise seems clumsy.   (Didn't say 'easy'... :-) ___
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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Christopher Laco

Dave Rolsky wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008, Thomas L. Shinnick wrote:

They specifically allow that when PUT is not available or 
impracticable (clients, firewalls, and proxies can get in the way), 
you could 'overload' POST by, for example, adding a query parameter 
"_method=PUT" to pass-thru the real request method.  The idea is that 
the handler would pick off this parameter and dispatch as though the 
HTTP method had really been PUT.  But you try to use this request like 
you would a 'real' PUT, in what the data contains and how it is used.

But this is a question I have, whether the REST dispatching modules 
have an capability like this, interpreting overloaded POSTs?

I added this to a custom Catalyst::Request subclass I use for my app. It 
looks like this:

 sub method
 my $self = shift;

 return $self->NEXT::method(@_)
 if @_;

 return $self->{__method} if $self->{__method};

 my $method = $self->NEXT::method();

 return $method unless $method && uc $method eq 'POST';

 my $tunneled = $self->param('x-tunneled-method');

 return $self->{__method} = $tunneled ? $tunneled : $method;


Here's my hack against my REST controller subclass of C::Controller::REST:

if ($c->request->method eq 'POST' && $c->request->param('_method')) {
$c->request->method(uc $c->request->param('_method'));

Since the REST package already has a Request subclass, I didn't really 
want to make yet another one...esp if the SOAP stuff also gets loaded.


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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008, Thomas L. Shinnick wrote:

They specifically allow that when PUT is not available or impracticable 
(clients, firewalls, and proxies can get in the way), you could 'overload' 
POST by, for example, adding a query parameter "_method=PUT" to pass-thru the 
real request method.  The idea is that the handler would pick off this 
parameter and dispatch as though the HTTP method had really been PUT.  But 
you try to use this request like you would a 'real' PUT, in what the data 
contains and how it is used.

But this is a question I have, whether the REST dispatching modules have an 
capability like this, interpreting overloaded POSTs?

I added this to a custom Catalyst::Request subclass I use for my app. It 
looks like this:

 sub method
 my $self = shift;

 return $self->NEXT::method(@_)
 if @_;

 return $self->{__method} if $self->{__method};

 my $method = $self->NEXT::method();

 return $method unless $method && uc $method eq 'POST';

 my $tunneled = $self->param('x-tunneled-method');

 return $self->{__method} = $tunneled ? $tunneled : $method;


Your guide to all that's veg.   My book blog

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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 04:06 PM 1/20/2008, =?KOI8-R?B?88XSx8XKIO3B0tTZzs/X?= wrote:
>  One important topic in the book is that 
people mix 'verbs' into their URIs

> when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_ to.  Using the
> book's concepts your URIs would become
>  1)  GET/class?pattern=breadbox
>  2)  GET/class/id/
>  3)  PUT/class/id/
>  4)  POST /class
Nice clarification, thank you! But is the "/id/" 
part of url required? In most cases class would 
have only one primary identifier, so we can 
shrink it to GET /class/ - can't we?

Oh definitely the naming URI's is very important, 
and can be intricate.  The authors develop on a 
couple different example application cases 
illustrating how they would layout the URI 
namespace.  And how they sometimes have to go 
back and redo the layout to eliminate conflicts.

Their essential criteria are that each URI 
specify one 'thing', and that every 'thing' have 
(at least) one URI.  That doesn't mean that a 
less-specific URI is not meaningful.  If 
"/class/" is one item, you might still allow 
"GET /class" to mean "get me the list of all items under /class".

And concerning case 3 - I think that rarely used 
PUT method could be replaced with common POST to 
avoid possible problems with proxies, etc. -- ó Õ×ÁÖÅÎÉÅÍ, óÅÒÇÅÊ íÁÒÔÙÎÏ×.

The authors do take care not to be so rigid we 
can't _try_ to approach "the one true way of REST". :-)

They specifically allow that when PUT is not 
available or impracticable (clients, firewalls, 
and proxies can get in the way), you could 
'overload' POST by, for example, adding a query 
parameter "_method=PUT" to pass-thru the real 
request method.  The idea is that the handler 
would pick off this parameter and dispatch as 
though the HTTP method had really been PUT.  But 
you try to use this request like you would a 
'real' PUT, in what the data contains and how it is used.

But this is a question I have, whether the REST 
dispatching modules have an capability like this, 
interpreting overloaded POSTs? ___
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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008, Ashley wrote:

Clipped a bunch. This is great food for thought. I am missing in this scheme 
how you would know to serve the form for updating. That seems to be the real 
point of /class/id//update. I suppose that should be /class/id//edit 
instead and it would, if it could, properly PUT the form to /class/id/, 

What I've done is something like /user//edit_form

That makes it clear that the URI is a noun, "the edit for for user ". 
I still PUT to /user/ for the update. When I say PUT I really mean 
"tunnel PUT via a POST", of course, because browser make this all so 

For creation I'd have /user/create_form or /user/new_user_form and POST to 


Your guide to all that's veg.   My book blog

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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Daniel Hulme
On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 01:06:25AM +0300, Сергей Мартынов wrote:
> But is the "/id/" part of url required? In most cases class would have
> only one primary identifier, so we can shrink it to GET /class/ -
> can't we?

In this case, we could, but often the identifier for a thing is a
character string rather than a string of digits, so you wouldn't want to
do that because it would break when you created objects named "create", or
whatever your chained actions are called.

Every program eventually reaches a point where it becomes harder to make
a simple change than to rewrite the program from scratch. Unfortunately,
when this point is reached, it is far too late to consider rewriting it. did you resign?

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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Ashley

On Jan 20, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Thomas L. Shinnick wrote:

At 01:56 PM 1/20/2008, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:


One important topic in the book is that people mix 'verbs' into  
their URIs when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_  
to.  Using the book's concepts your URIs would become

1)  GET/class?pattern=breadbox
2)  GET/class/id/
3)  PUT/class/id/
4)  POST /class

Clipped a bunch. This is great food for thought. I am missing in this  
scheme how you would know to serve the form for updating. That seems  
to be the real point of /class/id//update. I suppose that should  
be /class/id//edit instead and it would, if it could, properly PUT  
the form to /class/id/, yes?


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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Сергей Мартынов
>  One important topic in the book is that people mix 'verbs' into their URIs
> when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_ to.  Using the
> book's concepts your URIs would become
>  1)  GET/class?pattern=breadbox
>  2)  GET/class/id/
>  3)  PUT/class/id/
>  4)  POST /class

Nice clarification, thank you!

But is the "/id/" part of url required? In most cases class would have
only one primary identifier, so we can shrink it to GET /class/ -
can't we?

And concerning case 3 - I think that rarely used PUT method could be
replaced with common POST to avoid possible problems with proxies,

С уважением, Сергей Мартынов.
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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 01:56 PM 1/20/2008, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:

I know this has been discussed already - but I can't find it in the archives.

What I conjured is:


Update and create use really the same logic and templates - so I just
forward to a create_or_update action from them.

What are your opinions?

Zbigniew Lukasiak

The book "RESTful Web Services" has been very useful to me in 
understanding the confusion about what REST means when it comes to 
'verbs'.  And that I'm interested in how close one can come to 
'strict' REST design using Catalyst.

One important topic in the book is that people mix 'verbs' into their 
URIs when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_ 
to.  Using the book's concepts your URIs would become

1)  GET/class?pattern=breadbox
2)  GET/class/id/
3)  PUT/class/id/
4)  POST /class

1) is your "/class/search" and says "let me retrieve the 
representation/list of the items selected by searching for the given 
pattern", where the base URI would indicate the set/list of items, 
and the pattern is kept in the query parameters because it could be 
anything.  Note that the idea is that "GET /class" references the 
list of all items, and you here are just qualifying that search with 
the pattern.

2) Your "/class/id//view" would be seen in strict REST as just a 
GET of "/class/id/".  The HTTP 'verb' GET already says give me a 
representation of the item.  Done.

3) Your "/class/id//update" would become a PUT of 
"/class/id/", where the new representation coming from the remote 
client would _replace_ the old representation/data for that 
item.  This strict use of the HTTP 'PUT' verb is actually the hardest 
to accomplish, as it assumes that the remote client can receive and 
update a representation on the client, and then send it back using 
PUT.  It is easiest to picture this usage when the client completely 
replaces the old representation held on the server.  (see farther 
below for why)

4) Your "/class/create" becomes a POST to "/class".  This was another 
concept brought out by the book.  The matter of "who determines the 
item's 'id'" is important.  Here we assume that the _server_ will 
determine the id of the new added item.  You do a POST to the base 
URI of the data area, and the server determines the new id, stores 
the data into the item, and does a redirect to tell the remote client 
where the new item is, that is, what is the new item's URI, for 
instance "/class/id/1234".

Why is "who determines the id" important?  Because it says what HTTP 
verb you should use to create a new item.  If the server, you use 
POST to "add another" item.  (Much discussion of "that most 
misunderstood of HTTP methods: POST" in the book)  But if the remote 
client were to determine the id, say because the id is a license 
plate number input at the client, then strict REST would say the 
client should do a PUT to "/class/id/STRWBYP" and the client would 
send the complete data for the item.  The server would create the 
item using the id 'STRWBYP" as requested by the client.

Creation using POST would say create a new item and tell me (the 
client) where you (the server) put it.  Creation using PUT defines 
where to put it to the server, because the client knows what the id should be.

So under some designs it is possible that PUT will be used for both 
creation of new items and update (replacement) of existing items.  In 
both these cases (under such a design) the client knows the correct 
id for the item.

Anyway this spew was prompted by the new pedant seeing 'REST' in the 
subject and then no mention of 'PUT', etc.  The book tries to be 
clear that it depends on both your design and the >>capabilities of 
the client<< whether you can implement using the strict REST HTTP 
verb set GET, PUT, and POST, or whether you must compromise on a 
REST-like set of GET and POST.  The authors discuss how to "overload 
POST" to effect PUT-like usage, because we have to implement in the 
real world.  But they are clear about the goals of RESTful design, 
the problems it solves, and the benefits it brings "in the real world".

It looks to be very useful to consider URI design with a view towards 
"how would I accomplish this by splitting my data objects into URI 
addressable data that can be manipulated using the full set of HTTP 
verbs GET, PUT, POST and HEAD.  (And not putting verbs into URIs that 
might be cached)"

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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Peter Karman

Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote on 1/20/08 1:56 PM:

I know this has been discussed already - but I can't find it in the archives.

What I conjured is:


Update and create use really the same logic and templates - so I just
forward to a create_or_update action from them.

What are your opinions?

that's essentially the CatalystX::CRUD::Controller API:

That API is intentionally RESTish, though there's no checking of HTTP method at 

Peter Karman  .  .  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Zbigniew Lukasiak
I know this has been discussed already - but I can't find it in the archives.

What I conjured is:


Update and create use really the same logic and templates - so I just
forward to a create_or_update action from them.

What are your opinions?

Zbigniew Lukasiak

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