Collin Condray wrote:
> Christopher,
> It looks like DBD::SQLite 1.14 is installed. Do I need to use a
> different version?

I don't believe so. This is a bug in DBD::SQlite 1.13/1.14 where the
query immediately after a failing 'pk value already exists' error also
fails....and of course, I keep not writing a test and RT for this.

The test suite skips thoses tests under 1.13, but I haven't updated them
to skip for 1.14 now that I know the bug still exists.

This only effects the tests in those .f files that actually do error
checking around PK violations.

If you're going to be using MySQL for your app, don't worry about it.
If you're going to be using SQLite, I personally would stick with 1.12.


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