On 14 Sep 2012, at 20:06, Hector Azpurua wrote:

> I'm developing a site with serves several videos online, using Catalyst and 
> the JWplayer, and I cant find a stable way of stream the videos to the client 
> player with the capability of start the video from a random point.
> I searched the web for some ways to do it but I cannot find a simple way of 
> implementing it in Catalyst (RTMP or HTTP Pseudostreaming) because i need my 
> program to serve the videos only if a user have the permission to do it, not 
> serve the file directly. The only simple example that i found was a old 
> Catalyst script streaming an MP3 
> (http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/Catalyst/trunk/examples/Streaming/lib/Streaming.pm)
>  but I didn't know if that will work as expected if I apply that technique to 
> videos.

Yes, it will.

> What would be a good approach to serve online videos in Catalyst/Perl in a 
> non complicated way? Or what is the recommended way to do it?

A lot of people use the web server to do this, using X-Sendfile (lighttpd or 
apache mod_sendfile) or X-Accel-Redirect (nginx).

This pushes the work of serving the file off to the web server (which is more 
efficient), but also allows your application to do the access control.


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