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From: NYBBAIII <nyb...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 10:51 AM
Subject: NY Breeding Bird Atlas III Atlas Insider: March 2020

   - *Progress update*: 12 species confirmed!
   - *Atlas Essentials*: Atlas Blocks
   - *March Atlaser Challenge*: discover American Woodcock displaying in a
   - *Upcoming Atlas Events:* 8 events in March

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*March 2020 Updates*
Wow! We are only two months into the atlas and already 12 species have been
confirmed breeding
Bald Eagles have been confirmed breeding in *50* blocks, and Great Horned
Owls have now been reported 'singing' in over 100 blocks. Many thanks to
the 432 atlasers who have submitted nearly 6,000 checklists!

This month we focus on one of the three Atlas Essentials
atlas blocks.

*Knowing Your Location While Atlasing*
Common Raven carrying nesting material (CN) on Feb 21 at the Shawangunk
County). Photo by Patrick Horan/Macaulay Library
Atlas block boundaries are essential to successful atlasing. While you're
in the field, how can you keep track of where you are? If you see a Common
Raven carrying nesting material (CN) to a distant treetop, how can you tell
which atlas block the nest is in? Check out our tips and tricks to keep
track of block boundaries in the field

Viewing Block Data
Fledgling Eastern Screech-Owl by Greg Hottman/Macaulay Library
Breeding bird data are rolling in fast! As we head into spring, more and
more birds will start nesting (species like woodpeckers, corvids, and
owls). Whether you are simply curious or you want to focus your atlasing
efforts, you'll want to know what other people have reported in a block. Use
one of these three methods
to see what species have already been observed in a block.

*Priority vs Non-priority Blocks*
Priority blocks are where you should focus your atlasing: *if you have a
choice to atlas in a priority block or non-priority block, choose the
priority*! Don't worry—if your favorite birding spot is not in a priority
block, *every sighting still counts*!

Learn all about priority blocks here.

(Photo of White-winged Crossbill by Ian Davies/Macaulay Library

*March Challenge: Dancing Woodcocks*
Each month from March to August will feature season-specific atlas
challenges. In March, one of our most spectacular dancers begins to
display: the American Woodcock
will soon be delighting at dusk with their twittering courtship displays! *In
March, every block where you report displaying woodcock (C) gives you one
chance to be NY BBA III Atlaser of the Month.* If you win, you’ll be
featured on the atlas homepage, and get some atlas gear! (Photo of *peenting
*American Woodcock by Lee Hunter/Macaulay Library

*Upcoming Events*
Atlas talks, workshops, and walks are happening all over the state. Attend
an atlas event
near you!

*March Talks*
Mar 2, Eastern Long Island Audubon, Quogue
Mar 15, Kirkland Bird Club, New York Mills
Mar 20, Delaware-Otsego Audubon, Otsego
Mar 20, Long Island Natural History Conference, Brookhaven
Mar 25, Southern Adirondack Audubon, Saratoga Springs

*March Workshops*
Mar 11, North Country Bird Club, Watertown
Mar 15, Kirkland Bird Club, New York Mills
Mar 22, Broome County Naturalists' Club, Apalachin

*Atlas Kick-off Party*—*June 6*
Come and learn about the project, get expert tips on atlasing, and meet
fellow atlasers. The event will be held at the Rogers Environmental Center
in Sherburne. Save the date—more information coming soon!

*Support the Atlas in Style!*
Visit our online store
to purchase atlas-themed items. A percentage of the proceeds go to the
Atlas. Look official while supporting the atlas!
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625 Broadway Fl 5
Albany, NY 12207-2942

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Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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