Tim Lenz, Hope Batcheller, and I are on our way up the lake, but thought I'd
mention that in addition to a transitional HORNED GREBE, an odd female-type
RED-BREASTED MERGANSER, and a Bald Eagle, we found a presumed HYBRID
RING-NECKED DUCK x SCAUP sp. at Stewart Park just now. This is an awesome
bird, with pale gray sides and only the ghost of the Ring-necked white
shoulder mark, dark gray (not quite black) back, peaked head, and ringed
bill. It's hanging out with three Greater Scaup. I'll post poor photos
later, but worth a look if you can and enjoy that kind of thing.

Jay McGowan


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3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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