Hi All,

Just got back from Costa Rica where I was attending the joint conferences
of the Mesoamerican Society for Biology and Conservation, and Partners in
Flight.  I was part of a great symposium on the Sister Bird Club Network
that links clubs and individual birders throughout the Western Hemisphere
(and beyond).

Many people were commenting about how common and abundant migrant
Bay-breasted Warblers seemed to be in the San Jose area where the
conference was held (they also seemingly were abundant in other parts of
the country, too).  So, someone took a look at eBird data to see if this
species really was more frequently encountered this year compared to last
year.  Lo, and behold, yes, about twice as many birds were being reported
per observer/hour/km as in 2016.

I just looked at the situation for New York State (Go to eBird.  Choose
Explore data tab at top.  Choose Bar charts.  Select NY State.  When the
bar charts come up (oh, and don't forget to choose the year you want to
review), scroll down and click on the blue-highlighted name Bay-breasted
Warbler.  It will show a frequency distribution using both a line graph and
histograms.).  Guess what -- in 2016, birders in NY were reporting a peak
of Bay-breasted migration in early September, with a likelihood of seeing
about 3 birds per observer per hour per kilometer of travel.  In 2017, the
peak of migration occurred also in early September, but the abundance
doubled to 6 birds.hr/km.

Apparently this really was a good year for Bay-breasted Warblers!  See how
easy it is to use eBird to check on what you think you are noticing when
you are birding?

If you want to see some of these birds and others in Central America, the
Cayuga Bird Club is facilitating two opportunities for bird trips there in
2018.  We are going to Honduras in January 2018, and Costa Rica in April

Trips need to be booked soon.  I will hold two get-togethers at my house
next weekend (the 18th and 19th) if you are on the fence and haven't
decided yet.  We can talk about the trips, birds to be seen, and what the
experiences are likely to be like.  Please email me directly if you want
more info about the meetings.  These trips are open to the public; you do
not need to be a club member to join us.  Please consider joining us!


Jody W. Enck, PhD
Conservation Social Scientist, and
Founder of the Sister Bird Club Network


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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