Next Monday, May 10, at 7:30 p.m. will be the next monthly meeting of the 
Cayuga Bird Club. Jeffrey Wells, Ph.D., Vice-president of Boreal Conservation 
for the National Audobon Society, will present a webinar entitled, "The Biggest 
Bird Conservation Story You've Never Heard - the Boreal Forest of North 
 One of the world’s last large, intact forest regions is the Boreal 
Forest of North America stretching from Alaska east to Newfoundland. Supporting 
between one and three billion birds, the Boreal Forest is aptly named North 
America’s Bird Nursery. While few people have heard the news, some of the 
world’s largest land conservation actions to protect birds and their 
habitat are underway in the Boreal, led by Indigenous governments and 
communities forging new, exciting partnership and stewardship models. Much of 
the migratory and winter bird life of New York comes from the Boreal Forest. 
Come hear about some innovate ways National Audubon’s Boreal Conservation 
program is working to conserve the Boreal Forest including through some 
innovate collaborative models with Indigenous peoples and modern research with 
partners like the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Jeffrey Wells, Ph.D.,  is the 
Vice-president of Boreal Conservation for the National Audubon Society.  Dr. 
Wells works from a satellite office in Gardiner, Maine. He has had a 
wide-ranging career in science and bird conservation.  After receiving his 
undergraduate degree in biology from the University of Maine at Farmington in 
1988 he went on to earn a Master’s (1992) and Ph.D. (1995) in ecology and 
evolutionary biology from Cornell University. He went on to work for the 
National Audubon Society, first as Bird Conservation Director for the New York 
State office, then as the National Director of Bird Conservation.  During his 
first tenure with Audubon, Dr. Wells was located at the Cornell Lab of 
Ornithology, where he continues as an Associate of the Lab.  After leaving 
Audubon and Cornell, Jeff became the Senior Scientist for the International 
Boreal Conservation Campaign and Boreal Songbird Initiative, leading their 
science efforts for almost 20 years during which he published and spoke 
frequently to media about the globally significant conservation values of the 
Boreal Forest. As part of this work in 2011, he completed the book Boreal Birds 
of North America: A Hemispheric View of Their Conservation Links and 
Significance (University of California Press).

Register in advance here: Cayuga Bird Club 
meetings start at 7:30 pm on the second Monday of each month, September through 
June, and are open to the public. Each virtual meeting will begin with the 
speaker's presentation, followed by club business. Colleen Richards
Corresponding Secretary
Cayuga Bird Club
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