Next Monday, September 12, will be the next monthly meeting of the Cayuga Bird 
Club. We will be bringing back the reading of the list, so start keeping tracks 
of basin birds seen this week!
NOTE: This meeting will be LIVE, at the Lab of Ornithology Auditorium. Doors 
open at 7, meeting starts at 7:30 and ends at 9 SHARP. We will record the 
meeting and make the link available on our Facebook page and on our website at 
a later date.

Jennifer Fee, Manager of K-12 programs at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, will 
present "Through the Lens of Birds: Connecting Kids to Nature".

Many adults who care about the environment have treasured memories of the 
outdoors from their youth. For over 20 years, educators at the Cornell Lab of 
Ornithology have created resources that help young people go outdoors to learn 
through birds and to connect kids to nature. Come explore the breadth of our 
efforts to engage teachers as well as informal educators and families in 
citizen science and hands-on outdoor investigations.
Try out a fun activity to help you explore birds...will you and your nestlings 
survive the perils? Then, learn about the K-12 team's efforts to engage young 
people and gain insights about nature's impacts on people's socio-emotional and 
physical well-being. You'll leave with a few favorite activities that you might 
want to try out yourself or with kids you know. Perhaps you'll be inspired to 
look at birds and the nature around you with fresh and curious eyes!
Jennifer Fee is the Manager of K-12 programs at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 
where she and her team have developed a network of more than 30,000 educators 
who use Lab resources to engage kids through birds. She is also an instructor 
for the new "Let’s Go Outside! How to Connect Kids with Birds and Nature" 
course offered through Bird Academy. She holds a B.S. (Biology) from Truman 
State University and M.S. (Behavior, Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics) from 
Illinois State University. Prior to joining the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, she 
worked at the Missouri Botanical Garden. See you all next week.
Colleen Richards
Corresponding Secretary
Cayuga Bird Club


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