Yesterday, late in the sweltering heat of late afternoon, when I was
watering a plant in my garden, a bird flew from behind me and landed about
a foot from my feet.  Without hesitation, it promptly stepped in to drink
voraciously.  I thought it was going to open its mouth to let water pour
in, it was that close; but drank from the ground instead.  The soil was
gravely, so the water puddled for only a second before the ground soaked it
up.  We watched for the water pool again, and it drank again. This lasted
for all of about a minute because the water I had left was very little.  So
interesting that it chose to drink next to a human in my small yard
downtown rather than go to the creek two blocks away!  I guess my garden is
pretty sweet.

As it stood there, I could not for the life of me identify it!...  size of
a starling, maybe a bit bigger, mostly a dull black all over with brown
under the wing (sweat spot) and underside.  The slope of the head and bill
were low, that of a Red-winged Blackbird.  I could have sworn I was looking
at yellow lore spots, and this really through me off...everything matches a
female Grackle, except the yellow lores.  any ideas?  was I hallucinating
in the heat?


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