The Cayuga Bird Clubs Dryden Lake Trip this morning was very successful 
despite the dismal weather forcast. I had four people join me. We scoped 
the lake from under a pavilion to start, as it was lightly raining. 
There were 13 Bonapartes Gulls, a Pie-billed Grebe, Canada Geese, 4 
Bufflehead, 2 Ring-billed Gulls, and 3 Common Mergansers. About 40 Tree 
Swallows swarmed around out over the lake. We saw the Osprey pair across 
the way perched on their nest platform.

It stopped raining so we headed down the trail along the lake. Two 
Kingfishers seemed to keep traveling along ahead of us. Some highlights 
included good looks at Rusty Blackbirds (8 total) that were foraging on 
the ground in a wet area, and flew up to nearby bushes and trees. 
Woodpeckers we observed were Pileated, Northern Flicker, Red-bellied, 
Hariy, and Downy. We started seeing Yellow-rumped Warblers, with nice 
looks at many of them. We also found two Palm Warblers in different 
spots, with the second one giving us beautiful views. The Bald Eagle 
pair were at their nest site. Further down the trail we heard and saw 
Swamp Sparrows and there were some sparrows on the ground in the trail. 
One was a Song Sparrow and three others, smaller ones, turned out to be 
Field Sparrows. We had been hearing a Field Sparrow and it was a 
surprise to see them here on the ground. We saw a Wood Duck pair and 
several Mallards. We found a Solitary Sandpiper and we had nice close 
views, as it did not fly off.   On our way back, ( it started raining ) 
we heard an Eastern Towhee and found a Common Loon out on the lake.

We found 44 species and I haven't listed all the usual suspects. Thanks 
to Ann Mitchell who did an ebird list for us.  We were a bit wet and 
cold when we got back to the cars but all agreed it was a wonderful 
morning with many good birds.

Gladys Birdsall


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