Late this afternoon (27 March) I walked to from my home to Cayuga Lake, where I was surprised to find a single male EURASIAN WIGEON again, 12 days after I first found one there. After a gap of 5 days in reports from the south end of the lake, combined with reports of 1 or 2 by the Village of Cayuga at the north end of the lake starting when Ithaca reports stopped, and 1 at the north end of Seneca Lake, I figured the bird I had found had left. Now it appears that there may be 4 of them in the region. Here's what I wrote about it in my report to eBird:

"Scoped fairly far N from NW viewing area on path at Treman, bird located near where I first found it/one on 15 March, although the ice on/near whose edge it had been has disappeared except piles along Treman lakeshore; swimming alone but nearest a pair of American Wigeon (which were farther N than loose Aythya flock): same size & body shape, but head down against shoulders, not neck extended; pointed raised black tail (spread/preened some) & aft area; white square next to black; pale gray back & sides; white horizontal bar of wing; pink breast; round rufous head; creamy forecrown; light colored small bill with dark tip."

End of bird report; trivia about communication follows.
By the way, that post (below) labeled "1/2" was the first message I sent to Cayugabirds-L more-or-less successfully from my new phone. And the post called "2/2" was the second, I suppose, created because my last name didn't fit in the first. I had tried to post from my phone to Cayugabirds-L the previous time I saw a Eurasian Wigeon on 20 March, but failed because I couldn't convince Lyris that I had given my message a subject line (my old phone just used the body of the message as the subject as well). Perhaps it was only by sending a slightly too-long message that an acceptable subject of "1/2" was created. 

The body of the message, (minus the mis-spelled subject line) should have gone to the RBA. Since senders to the new RBA don't get a copy, I'd appreciate someone telling me whether it actually went to the RBA.

I recently switched to Credo from Verizon out of frustration with the latter's inability to correct billing problems and their support for right-wing politics. As you can see, I'm still getting the hang of the new phone, or maybe I have sacrificed some abilities. Replying from a computer to that address
may not get to my phone (at least I haven't succeeded yet), but you can text to my phone number

--Dave Nutter

On Mar 27, 2014, at 06:56 PM, wrote:

Subject: EURARIAN WIGEON SW Cayuga Lake

Male EURASIAN WIGEON again/still near SW corner Cayuga Lake scoped from Treman.


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