
From: Michael and Joann Tetlow [mailto:mjtet...@frontiernet.net] 
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 7:53 PM

Subject: Sodus Bay,Montezuma and the north end of Cayuga Lake early spring


Highlights that Joann and I found covering those areas today are as follows:


-Tundra Swans: 8 Sodus Bay, 34 Savannah Spring Lake Rd at Van Dyne Spoor
Rd., 108 Knox-Marcellus Marsh and at least 2000 at the north end of  Cayuga

       Mostly on the ice north of the railroad. (counted to 200 in one
binocular view and moved 21 views wide.).  We would have loved to have the
time to do a scope count!

-Trumpeter Swan:  2 Savannah Spring Lake Road on the ice at the usual spot
east of Van Dyne Spoor and west of Morgan Road.

-No. Pintail: 3 Sodus Bay

- Am. Widgeon: 22 Sodus Bay, 40 North end Cayuga Lake

-Gadwall: 6 Sodus Bay

-Lesser Scaup: 16 Sodus Bay

-Canvasback: 60 Sodus Bay, 150+ North end of Cayuga Lake

-all above were mixed in with several hundred Greater Scaup and Redheads at
both locations.Bald Eagles: 2 No. Montezuma complex, 9 on ice at Tsache
pool, 3 adults - -Bald Eagles: 2 No. Montezuma complex, 9 on ice at Tsache
pool, 3 adults from refuge visitor center, 1 on nest at mud lock, 1adult
over NYS Thruway just W of Geneva exit.

-Rough-legged hawk: 1 Van Dyne Spoor Road. 2  from refuge visitor center.

-new nest on the very low utility pole at the very end of Van Dyne Spoor
appears to be constructed by the nearby Red-tailed Hawk(unless we just
didn't notice it in the fall

            Mike and Joann Tetlow  



Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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