Message from Bob Spahn, posted to Geneseebirds-L:

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Date: Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 7:40 PM
Subject: [GeneseeBirds-L] Cave Swallow ALERT for 11/24/10
To: geneseebirds <>

    This afternoon after the front passed at Hamlin Beach SP, Dave Tetlow
decided to go west and see what might happen. It cleared up again after a
bit and he found a Cave Swallow in the creek gorge at Oak Orchard Creek near
Point Breeze. On the way back he had a number of passing Cave Swallows at
several points. Then late afternoon he started to see flocks gathering and
milling around near some of the bridges and finally going to roost under
them. Numbers were in the 25 plus or minus range at each place - total >150.
Finding that driving near spooked them, he then only observed from back a
ways and could see birds huddled together on the south facing ledges of the
I-beams. Birds appeared to be headed to roost under all of the Lake Ontario
Parkway bridges from West Kendall Rd to at least Buttonwood Creek at the
east side of Braddock Bay. Dave is trying to line up people to be at each
bridge before first light tomorrow to wait for first light and count the
swallows under or exiting each site.
    Join people at a bridge. It will be important to approach from the south
side where the sun will warm things first and where there is shelter from
the N to NW winds. Arrive be 6:30 AM, park back a bit,then watch and
listenas first light approaches (about 6:43 AM). Last time talking with
Dave, the Salmon Creek Bridge (west side of Braddock Bay) was not yet
covered as he was sure of 19 birds going under there late enough to be sure
they were roosting. One could park at the lot on Manitou Beach Rd where you
park for the owl woods and walk to that bridge before first light to see
those. Several years ago I did that and heard them awake and start calling
and moving about before flying out.
    Good Luck to all who try!!
Bob Spahn

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Christopher T. Tessaglia-Hymes
TARU Product Line Manager and Field Applications Engineer
Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, New York 14850
W: 607-254-2418  M: 607-351-5740  F: 607-254-1132


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