---------- *Forwarded message* ----------
From: David Marsh <dsm...@frontiernet.net>
Date: Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 11:23 PM
To: "David S. Marsh" <dsm...@frontiernet.net>

Hello Surveyors,

After seven surveys with temperatures in the 30’s one would expect winter
would soon descend on us. The 50 degree temperatures tonight, combined with
the presence of an amazing number of waterfowl, made the survey a spectacle
to witness. It was like being at the beach for surveyors, with very good
visibility and no wind as bonuses. For Raptors, the absence of snow cover
made it easier  to hear and see prey. It was satisfying that we were able
to survey 19 sites, two more than last week, with 33 surveyors, the same
number as last week and one below the high mark for the season. A total of
99 Raptors were spotted, 16 higher than last week.

Four sites reported double digit sightings, Hidden Marsh-North (16), Main
Pool-North (14), Morgan Rd. (12), and Main Pool-South (10), with notable
numbers at Hidden Marsh-South (8), Route 31 Muck (7), Waugh (7), and
Sandhill Crane Unit (6). The Short-eared Owls (SEOW) were reported at
Hidden Marsh-North (5), Morgan Rd. (2), Main Pool-North (2), and Waugh (1).
The Main Pool area, collected the largest number of Northern Harriers
(NOHA), with Main Pool-North (8) and Main Pool-South (8) together
maintaining their reputation as the NOHA hangout. NOHA were also reported
at Hidden Marsh-North (3),  Route 31 Muck (2), and one each at Hidden
Marsh-South, Carncross Rd., and the Sandhill Crane Unit. Bald Eagles (BAEA)
made an impressive showing at 12 of the total 19 sites, with reports of
birds sitting on some nests. Rough-legged Hawks (RLHA) continued their
unusually strong  presence this season and sightings were only slightly
below last week. RLHAs were seen at Hidden Marsh-North (5), Morgan Rd. (2),
and one each at Hidden Marsh-South, Guy’s Marsh, Route 31 Muck, and U2
Fallow Field. Red-Tailed Hawk sightings were reported at 12 of the 19
sites. A Coopers Hawk (COHA) was reported, the first one seen since
November, and the first Peregrine Falcon (PEFA) of the season was spotted.

Winter Raptor surveyors are treated to much more than spotting birds of
prey fighting the elements to stay alive in a challenging climate.
Montezuma is life on the large screen. Tonight we were treated to ducks and
geese flying against a blazing sunset, huge crowds of Snow Geese looking
for a nighttime roost at sunset, waves of Canada Geese calling, swarms of
newly arrived Ducks, Swans bringing dignified beauty to the skies, and a
couple of skunks , not flying, busily looking for food. The night belonged
to waterfowl, and spring was in the air.

Highlights from tonight’s survey were:

SEOW: 10 this week (TW) vs. 12 last week (LW).

NOHA: 24 TW vs. 20 LW.

BAEA: 28 TW vs. 14 LW.

RLHA: 11 TW vs. 12 LW.

RTHA: 21 TW vs. 22 LW.

The SEOW trend continues above the prior three seasons. The NOHA sightings
tonight were above those of the previous seven survey nights, the trend is
up, however, the cumulative sightings lag those of last season at this

Survey hats were presented to five more surveyors for assisting with at
least 10 surveys this season in recognition of their significant
contributions. Those receiving hats are (left to right in the attached
photo): Greg Karl, Sarah Lyons, Kyle Gage,  Pete Saracino, and Maggie
Passmore. A total of 17 surveyors have earned hats this season. Applause

Jackie Bakker fueled us up with her very delicious brownies. Thank you
Jackie. I will bring cookies next week unless someone else volunteers to
bring some treats. The next Survey is scheduled for March 1st, meeting at
the Refuge Offices at 4:45 pm. If you are planning on helping with the
survey, please e-mail me no later than 6:00 pm on February 28. Thank you
all for your time and dedication.

*David Marsh*


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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