Perri and I birded in the cedars along Lake Road near Long Point S.P. for a
little while this morning.  We found a decent number of half-hearties along
the road and along the trail, including four RUBY-CROWNED KINGLETS, two
YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS, two Northern Flickers, four Eastern Bluebirds, 30
American Robins, and eight White-throated Sparrows.  On the way back south
we stopped at the cedar patch on Nut Ridge Road, where I found about 200
American Robins, 20 Dark-eyed Juncos, a Northern Flicker, and a dozen

The lake was pretty quiet.  Two horned grebes and a flock of a dozen or so
Long-tailed Ducks were about all I could find on Aurora Bay.  The marina
area at Myers Point was more active, with a large flock of Redheads close to
shore with two Canvasback, several of each scaup, and nearly 100 Ring-necked
Ducks.  At Stewart Park, we did not see the eider or any other birds of
note, although the goldeneye flock seems to be growing.

Also of note, the raptor spectacle in the area between King Ferry and Lake
Road and Rafferty Road was quite dramatic today at late morning.  We didn't
see any Short-eared Owls, but at least seven Northern Harriers were cruising
over the various fields, a couple of Rough-legged Hawks joined them near
Rafferty Road, and Red-tailed Hawks and kestrels were also in evidence.
 More harriers seem to be around, in that area at least, than I have seen

Good birding,

Jay McGowan
Dryden, NY


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