Made a quick stop about 8:15 by about the impoundment at the MNWR Visitor 
Center this morning. Didn't spot the White-Fronted Goose among the Canadas but 
enjoyed watching a group of Shovelers having breakfast and a couple of Black 
Ducks preening. No Snows. A single Wood Duck in full dress caught the last of 
the morning sunlight as it cruised along the SW edge before the storm front 
shut down the sun. Nice.


OOB: Made the trip to Tonawanda WMA yesterday evening and was rewarded with a 
full 15 minutes of great views of the immature White Ibis. It's been coming in 
to roost with a good-sized flock of Great Egrets in a GBHE rookery every 
evening shortly before sunset since sometime last week. Let me know if you'd 
like directions. A humorous moment: an egret floating in across the dike on its 
final approach to the roost trees and accompanied by the distant rumble of a 
jet. A very appropriate sound effect.


Kathy Strickland, Union Springs

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