Locations:     Montezuma Audubon Center, Hogback Rd., Tyre--Rt. 89 S of 
Armitage, May's Point--Rt. 89 over canal, Mays Point Pool, Tschache, North 
Spring Pool, LaRue's Lagoon, East Road (very poor lighting conditions at East 
Notes:     sunny, hazy, warm/very warm; ~8-11 am
Number of species:    34  (starlings omitted)

Canada Goose     140     cumulative total
Trumpeter Swan     14 = 5 (north MAC pond) + 6 (Hogback Rd.) + 3 (Tschache Pool)
Mallard     X
Pied-billed Grebe     8     mostly juveniles (May's Point Pool - platform)
Double-crested Cormorant     ~30
Great Blue Heron     121 = 1 (north pond edge) + 3 (canal) + 5 (Tschache) + 110 
(Knox-M) + 2
Great Egret     11     together; May's Point Pool
Turkey Vulture     7     cumulative estimate for the trip; 3 in field east side 
of Rt. 89 at goose hunting farm
Osprey     3

Bald Eagle     3 immatures  (Knox-Marsellus)
Red-tailed Hawk     1     on wire beside Wiley Rd. south of intersection (where 
Hogback changes names)
Common Moorhen     3     at least 1 immature (May's Point Pool - platform)
SANDHILL CRANE     5     all full-size; 3 took off together and then the other 
2 left; Rt. 89 S of Armitage
Killdeer     2
Solitary Sandpiper     2     decent looks; North Spring Pool
Greater/Lesser Yellowlegs     5     scattered; flew before we could see the 

shorebirds   X
Ring-billed Gull     ~20     far 
Caspian Tern     12     mostly over Tschache pool and vicinity
Ruby-throated Hummingbird     1     buzzed by
Belted Kingfisher     1     flying, rattling Mays Point Pool (and viewing 
Empidonax sp.     1     pale yellow belly, wing bars, little or no eye ring; 
immature Willow? Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird     1     edge of Clyde River from platform parking area
American Crow     15

Purple Martin     16     on martin house; MAC
Tree Swallow     4+
Barn Swallow     6
American Robin     3
Cedar Waxwing     6    total; flitting around, seldom staying put
Song Sparrow     3
Swamp Sparrow     1     heard (not seen) on west side Rt. 89
Red-winged Blackbird     5     estimated
Baltimore Oriole     1 immature on the Swamp Rose-mallow, west side of auto 
tour road

American Goldfinch     3

Compiled from reports generated automatically by eBird v2 (http://ebird.org)  
[no idea where extra spaces come from when I cut & paste]

-- Dave Spier, Doug Cameron, et al

Montezuma Birding Trail: http://montezumabirding.webs.com 

Eaton Birding Society: http://eatonbirds.webs.com/ 


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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