Ann Mitchell & I also visited the south pond behind the Montezuma Audubon 
Center on NYS-89 north of Savannah. This pond has been drawn down. A flock of 
21 Great Egrets and 9 Great Blue Herons crowded along the central channel to 
feed on trapped fish. There were both Yellowlegs and a Solitary Sandpiper as 
well. The mud flats hosted 3 Wilson's Snipe, 2 Killdeer, 4 Semipalmated 
Plovers, 7 Semipalmated Sandpipers, and 90 Least Sandpipers. 

At the Montezuma NWR headquarters" newly wetted shorebird habitat which Pete 
Saracino mentioned, we saw 3 Least Sandpipers and a Semipalmated Plover in 
addition to the Killdeer & Yellowlegs. We also expect that to improve. 

At the Seneca Slough there was a Stilt Sandpiper, a Solitary, and a couple 
Lesser Yellowlegs. Seneca Flats had more potential than shorebirds, but it 
often seems better later in the day. Banning had too much water. Mays Point 
Pool only had a very few scattered and hard to see Greater and Lesser 
Yellowlegs when we were there. Knox-Marsellus had 2 yellowlegs, 2 Great Blue 
Herons and 4 dabblers on a distant puddle and smear of mud. We could not see 
Puddler's small patch of habitat well enough from the East Road lookout. 
--Dave Nutter

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