No time for a detailed post right now, but I spent a long time on Towpath
Road today, watching the shorebirds. Numbers seem to be down somewhat from
earlier in the week, but there is still plenty to look through. Highlights
include continuing 3 Red-necked Phalaropes, multiple Baird's, White-rumped,
Stilt, Pectoral, Least, Semipalmated sandpipers, dowitchers, and a (likely)
juvenile Western Sandpiper (seen well but briefly and distantly in with the
peeps; longer bill than Semipalmateds, apparently larger and longer-legged,
rufous stripe on shoulder; probably a different bird than Chris and Jessie
found, as this bird didn't have an enormous billl). At least three
Sanderlings remain as well.

I also checked Benning from the thruway and did not see the godwit that was
reported there a few days ago, though the habitat there (and in the newly
created openings farther along the drive) looks nice. Van Dyne Spoor
continues to have nice marsh and wet field habitat but no shorebirding, and
the Mucklands remain unharvested expanses of corn.

Finally, the crazy Tundra Swan is still living at Tschache as of this
morning, sleeping complacently on a log.

Jay McGowan
Dryden, NY


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