Thinking there might be an impressive roost flight on the NW corner of Cayuga 
Lake, Jim Tarolli and I started at Cayuga Lake State Park.  The first bird Jim 
put bins on was a beautiful EURASIAN WIGEON.  It flew around with Am Wigeons 
and we eventually lost sight of it.  I was glad Gary and Ann relocated it.  
Looks like the text message system worked well.

Huge numbers of geese and ducks and gulls in the NW corner, and we found a 
close Cackling Goose.  A strong roost flight developed into the ice edge along 
Lower Lake Rd near Noble Rd.  About sunset, 1000 Herring Gulls were 100 yards 
away on the ice edge.  3 Iceland Gulls found each other, 1 adult and 2 
first-winter.  2 Lesser Black-backed Gull adults didn't find each other.  
Careful observation of this large group saw some weird ones but nothing really 
unusual. Aside from Cackling we couldn't find any others among an estimated 
5000 Canada Geese.  

Jim posted some photos of the Cackling Goose and Eurasian Wigeon at:

David Wheeler
N Syracuse, NY

Cayuga Lake SP, Seneca, US-NY
Jan 30, 2012 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
5.0 mile(s)
Comments:     With Jim Tarolli; strong evening roost flight of Herring Gulls, 
Canada Geese, ducks into the ice edge south of Cayuga Lake State Park
29 species

Cackling Goose  1
Canada Goose  5000     estimated
Mute Swan  1
Trumpeter Swan  1     Wing-tagged immature
Tundra Swan  X
Gadwall  50     or more
American Wigeon  30
American Black Duck  100
Mallard  100
Northern Pintail  3
Redhead  1
Ring-necked Duck  1
Common Goldeneye  7
Hooded Merganser  6
Common Merganser  X
Great Blue Heron  2
Bald Eagle  1
Ring-billed Gull  100
Herring Gull  1000     on the ice edge at sunset
Iceland Gull  3     two first-winter birds joined an adult
Lesser Black-backed Gull  2     adults
Great Black-backed Gull  25
Downy Woodpecker  1
Northern Flicker  1
American Crow  X     Strong roost flight over the lake going south, taking 
at a higher altitude than the geese and gulls; presume the crows were traveling 
Black-capped Chickadee  1
Tufted Titmouse  1
European Starling  1
Northern Cardinal  1


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