The e-mail below was sent by Matt Medler 7 yrs. ago in response to a 
question asked by Linda Van Buskirk. With numerous folks mentioning 
osprey sightings, it seems like an informative e-mail to re-send. For 
you "newbies" in the hobby, Matt Medler was always someone who would 
find an answer to a "dumb" or puzzling question ... indeed a wonderful, 
patient, MUCH appreciated help to inexperienced birders. We have MANY 
people in the hobby who are quick to help & I thank them.

While this osprey information was sent in March 2008 it seems relevant 
to 2015 as some of us have become aware of the increasing numbers of 
ospreys & nests in the Cayuga Basin. We're thankful that Robyn Bailey, 
her husband & NYSEG have worked together to have protected, elevated 
nesting platforms placed securely atop utility poles.

After my report of finding about 18 or 20 nests here at the north end of 
Cayuga Lake last spring, Candace Cornell *_cec222@gmail.com_* was given 
the opportunity to be the "official" record keeper. I would ask that all 
osprey sightings be posted, giving exact locations of nests so Candace 
can document them. She would appreciate if any birder can keep track of 
nests they see & record when birds, & how many, hatch. And down the 
line, when they fledge. She can give more information to those desiring it.

Matt, if I failed to see it & you have updated this information, please 
post it (again).

Fritzie, Union Springs

Subject:        Osprey and other spring arrival dates
Date:   Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:16:56 -0400
From:   Matthew Medler <>



Hi Linda and All,

Information on Osprey and other arrival dates for the Cayuga Lake Basin 
can be found at the Cayuga Bird Club web site at: 

In addition to First Records lists for 1998 to 2008, this page also 
includes two different arrival lists. The first is a list of historical 
arrival dates, prepared by Dr. Charles Smith based on data from 1903 to 
1993. The second is a list of arrival dates that I prepared based on 
Basin sightings from 1999 to 2004. I plan to update this second list 
with ten-year averages after this spring migration.

The average arrival date for Osprey on Dr. Smith's list is April 12. 
During the past decade, the arrival date for Osprey has been about two 
and a half weeks earlier. The median arrival date on the list that I 
compiled for 1999-2004 is March 26, and this is also the median date in 
looking at records from 1998 to 2007. The arrival date for Osprey was 
amazingly consistent during those ten years, with 9 of the 10 records 
coming in a six day span (March 23 to March 28).

John and Fritzie Blizzard's sighting on March 16 this year (March 17 for 
a non-leap year) is notably early, even compared with the past ten 
years. It is interesting to see that the next sighting of the species 
didn't come until ... March 26 (March 27 for a non-leap year).

Good birding, Matt Medler

Linda P Van Buskirk wrote: What's the current accepted date of osprey 
arrival? I remember some discussion last year, but not the specific date 
that they were expected to arrive. Linda


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