In addition to 14 PECTORAL SANDPIPERS at the far edge of the flooded field to the north of Armitage Road, here are the highlights of my trip up the lake this morning:

Numerous TREE SWALLOWS at Tschache pool, East Road, and Marten's Tract.

A EURASIAN WIGEON in rather subdued plumage in close to the tower at Tschache.

Two BLUE-WINGED TEAL in the pool at the MNWR Visitor's Center.

A single TURKEY VULTURE in the air above Marten's Tract.

Pheasant, NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD, and singing EASTERN MEADOWLARK along West Covert Road in the Finger Lakes National Forest.

I ran into Frank Morlock (DEC) on Van Dyne Spoor Road. He was there to survey the waterfowl and mentioned that he has been at work entering LaRue's twice-weekly list into eBird. I was pleased to hear this because, having seen the list on occasion after it was turned in to the Visitor's Center, I saw how valuable it could be both in monitoring the population and in providing timely information to birders on unusual sightings (I recall hearing about his mention of phalaropes at Mays Pool last year).

I also talked with Jim Eckler (DEC office on Morgan Rd) who noted that, in spite of a tight budget situation, they were moving ahead with plans for enhanced shore- and marsh bird habitat in the Northern Montezuma Complex. Muckrace Flats is in and will be managed closely, the large marsh area across from the MAC is being planted (planted, not planned!), there is a new marsh area being constructed between Morgan and Carncross Rds, and plans are underway for another marsh area in front of headquarters (end of Morgan Rd). Jim mentioned how useful Matt Medler's First Arrivals list is in planning for drawdowns/ fill-ups of the areas they manage. Thanks Matt!

Bob McGuire


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