On my way biking over to the Swan Pond, I saw a Downy Woodpecker gleaning
insects? off of a six foot flowering stalk of the Mullein.  I started
walking around the Swan Pond going clockwise where the west entrance would
be 9:00 to the boat house.

noon: Cedar Waxwing.

1:00:  Looking north, out to the lake, sitting on a log, were four female
Common Mergansers (?).  I did not have my notebook or camera phone with me.

1:00:  Looking south toward the Cascadilla Boat House and the island:
 immature Green Heron (striped nape, orange bill, yellow near the bill,
white stripes under the eye and another beneath that).  Another heron flew
by and into a tree (possibly the adult, but I only saw all grey back).  As
I watched the herons, out paddled six Wood Ducks (one female with her white
eye ring and five immatures, the immatures are starting to differentiate in
marking; and I could see one of the four was definitely going to be a male).

2:00 flycatcher (Eastern Phoebe?) perching high in the trees.

I so love this trail, the bird sanctuary, and the park.  Does anyone know
the status of the boat house?  i don't think having it be a historic center
is the best use of that building.  I would love to get a committee together
to brainstorm ideas for an educational center located upstairs.  Anyone
interested?  I'd love to see a school like New Roots based there in
collaboration with the Lab of Ornithology and offering another great place
to offer bird walks. The Cayuga Bird Club talked about sponsoring signage
there, and I think that is great; but I envision a generous donor giving
money to fully restore the building and installing an awesome scope for the

Did anyone worry about how the birds in Stewart Park were doing during the
4th of July fireworks?

 * * * * * * * * *
*"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ALIVE, for what
the world needs is people who have come ALIVE."  - Dr. Howard Thurman,
American Theologian, Clergyman and Activist (1900-1981) *

Sandra (Sandy) Wold
Cayuga Basin Bioregion Map, Author/Originator/Designer/Publisher,
Sustainability Educator/Artist,
Math/Science Tutor, www.sites.google.com/site/fallcreektutoringservices/home


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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