Hi all,

Apologies for not elaborating on my earlier Tundra Swan posting:  this is a
very early report for Tundra Swans and I rushed to get it out on the list
should someone else make their way to find them.

In my traditional bout of second-guessing, and given the ID challenges
between the swans, my too-limited experience with this group, and in this
case my less-than-desirable position on the shoulder of the road (which
didn't allow for the amount of study I would have liked), I need to step
back to what I should have written originally: it was my impression is that
these were immature Tundra Swans, but I really shouldn't have ruled out
Trumpeter or Mute.

I watched the birds for a few minutes, during which they moved around the
pond quite a bit, periodically disappearing behind the vegetation lining the
pond.  During this time I noted their plumage appeared brownish-white and
their bills were not black but pinkish, appearing brighter than the dusky
color I associate with an immature Mute Swan.  Their regal-like posture --
holding their head high on straight necks - also made me think

The profile and shape of the head and bill seemed more akin to Tundra than
Trumpeter, but I realize this is a very difficult separation, one that I
shouldn't make on these birds.  There were no other birds on or near the
pond, in fact, I've never noticed birds down there, so I wasn't able to make
any meaningful size comparison.

I hope someone is able to re-find the birds and provide a more substantive
identification, regardless which species they are it's an interesting
sighting.  I'll be on the lookout on my way home this evening.  (Note to
self: travel somewhere to watch swans more often.)


Mike Powers
Horseheads, NY

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Riko Stan <rikos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That's funny. I also saw a few Tundra swans on the south end of Sodus Bay,
> just north of Ridge Road. Mute swans are fairly common on East bay, but
> these are the first Tundra swans I have seen in my admittedly short birding
> life.
> On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Mike Powers <noflicks...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This morning on my drive to work I observed two immature Tundra Swans on a
>> small wetland just south of Ithaca, at the T-intersection of Cox Road and
>> Rte. 13 in Newfield.  This seemed like an early sighting for Tundra Swans,
>> and a quick check in eBird showed only a handful of October sightings in
>> NY.  The majority of reports are from the last week of October, and there
>> are no October reports from Tompkins county.
>> Good birding,
>> Mike
>> --
>> Mike Powers
>> Horseheads, NY


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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