On Mon., 4/27/15, Kathy Strickland & I played hookey & journeyed to the Rochester suburb of Irondequoit to look for the female Varied Thrush. After about 15 min., thanks to the quick eye of Jim Tarolli of Baldwinsville, we got to see it, a lifer for the three of us!

Several people had been waiting quite a while (one woman for over an hr.) with no luck so we felt quite privileged to see it so soon after arriving. Jim got a really good picture of it in a tree overhead & I am pleased that he forwarded a copy to me.

Dave Wheeler was there with Jim but I don't know if he was as fortunate. Dave has been tallying birds at Derby Hill this spring, certainly a cold, dismal & often boring, & perhaps thankless, job ... until migrants began coming through in respectful numbers.

The home owner where the Thrush was seen has been very gracious to the many eager birders who came to her home, even inviting them to sit in deck chairs on her back porch. She apparently doesn't own binoculars so some appreciative folks are donating money to have a birder get a pair for her as thanks for her kindness. :-)

At MNWR visitor's center & later at Sodus on the break wall birding was rather poor but at both places we saw always beautiful Caspian Terns. Watching the many gulls just "floating" in the air always makes us wish we could fly as they do, seemingly without a care, but Kathy then mentioned how tough life really is for birds that have to seek food each day, all day, to survive.

Here in Union Springs, my daughter Becky spotted a brand new osprey nest at Frontenac Harbor last wk., easily seen from the west end of Basin St.. Hopefully the birds will not be disturbed by all the activity that goes on by the many boaters at the marina all summer.



Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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