At 3:30 today I walked the trails on the east side of the road and came across a nice warbler flock between the two little ponds. They were mostly too high to see, but I did manage to get good looks at a Magnolia Warbler, a Bay-breasted Warbler, and a Black-throated Blue Warbler.

Yesterday afternoon, Tim and I walked the portion of the Dryden rail trail from near the end of Purvis Road to the edge of the lake. Near where the trail crosses a bridge over some water, well before crossing the street to the lake portion of the trail, we found a mixed flock. There were several warblers I couldn't see well enough to identify. One was probably a Black-throated Green. There were also Cedar Waxwings, both a White-breasted and a Red-breasted Nuthatch, Song Sparrows, and a female-type Indigo Bunting. Closer to the Purvis Road end of the trail, a Green Heron perched on a log in the open mudflat, undisturbed by us passing by. A Belted Kingfisher was also in the area. And near the lake, we flushed a Sharp-shinned Hawk from right along the trail. The lake itself looked empty from that vantage point.

Anne Marie Johnson
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