We have a Turkey hen that has decided to become a feeder bird at our feeder in West Danby, just north of Geo Kloppel on Tupper Rd.
We put a tray down with mixed seed and sunflower seed - for the squirrels, doves, other birds that want to ground feed.
We first saw her on Wed 11/28, then Thrs 11/29 - reported both times to eBird. Since then we have seen her at least once a day at different times - I have not reported this to eBird after 11/29.
Today it was interesting to see a squirrel defending the tray against her. So she found other dropped seeds, good stuff in the wood chip and grass mulch around the feeders.
On the Friday just after Thanksgiving, 11/23, we had a flock of 6 turkeys stop by, reported on eBird, but we haven't seen them since. Don't call them "late for dinner." grin
near the Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve, West Danby, NY
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