Yesterday I talked to Reuben Stoltzfus. If anyone wants to see lots of Snow 
Geese, he recommends looking out at Cayuga Lake from Vineyard Road, just south 
of Dean’s Cove State Marine Park along NYS 89 in the Town of Romulus. If his 
estimates of the dimensions and density of the raft which he has seen there for 
several days, there could by over a hundred thousand Snow Geese there. Given 
that I get overwhelmed by numbers over, say 5, it’s hard for me to dispute 
that, but I’m sure it’s quite a sight. 

I also had a question from a passerby in Allan Treman State Marine Park, who 
noticed my binoculars, scope, and interest in birds. She asked whether it’s 
possible that a friend was correct in claiming to have recently seen a Snowy 
Owl in Speedsville, which is at the southeast corner of Tompkins County. I said 
it’s not where I would expect one, but then again I didn’t expect the Snowy Owl 
that many of us saw a few years ago in a tree in a largely forested upland 
along East Miller Road in Danby. As I recall there is some open flattish land 
along the West Branch of Owego Creek around Speedsville. Anyway, the prime 
trait of birds is their mobility, and the thing that often surprises us is 
where they go. Keep your eyes open in that area. 

- - Dave Nutter

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