This afternoon (13 Jan) I found a gorgeous breeding plumage male Wood Duck, 
apparently the first reported this year in the Cayuga Lake Basin. It was at Mud 
Lock, which is the outlet of Cayuga Lake, which is a short distance southwest 
of where NYS-90 crosses US-5 & NYS-20 by the Circle K gas & convenience store 
close to the Montezuma NWR Visitor Center. 

The Wood Duck was being very inconspicuous, feeding with a few Mallards among 
bits of floating debris right next to the upstream end of the lock, and visible 
from a gravel pull-off along River Road just north of the boat ramp. However, 
when the ducks saw me fussing with my window-mounted telescope to take a 
digi-scope photo, they swam out into the river, and the Wood Duck went all the 
way to the other side, where it was actually more visible. 

- - Dave Nutter

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