This morning I arrived (8:30am) at Stewart Park to try & find the 
Yellow-throated warbler on Pier Rd. next to the golf-course.
I looked at all the sycamores along the edge but there was no warbler.
Luckily I persisted because at 9:15am I heard the song faint but 
distinct. After a while I found the bird high up and singing all the 
while. Got good looks as it came out on the edge of the first (south) 
sycamore at the 3rd. tee. Best seen from Pier Rd. The song was not quite 
like the five examples found on the Warbler Songs Collection, and very 
much like what Dave Nutter described. The first two soft notes were 
easily heard, even over the racket of traffic and the very loud Orioles 
singing constantly. I transcribed it as: tu  tu  whee-tu whee-tu 
whee-tu  --tyu.

I could not find the BlueGray Gnatcatcher nest that Chris T-H described, 
instead I found a Redstart nest right by the curved boardwalk, in a 
scrubby tree about 10ft off the ground.

Species at Pier Rd. & vicinity:

    Yellow-throated warbler
    Warbling vireo
    A. Redstart
    E. Wood Pewee
    Yellow warbler
    E. Bluebird
    N. Oriole
    Belted Kingfisher

Some of the species at Renwick Sanctuary, seen or heard over a 
tremendous racket of railroad cleaning equipment:

    Wood Thrush
    N. Oriole
    E. Phoebe
    Carolina Wren
    Red-eyed Vireo
    Red-bellied wdpkr
    Hairy Wdpkr
    A. Redstart

--- Nari Mistry

Nari B. Mistry, Ithaca, NY
To see my paintings, visit


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