Just had two (possibly three) chestnut-sided warblers working the catkins 
outside my window (I'm embarrassed to still not know what trees they are, and 
will have to find out when/if they leaf out). If the narrative is to be 
believed, this means I've seen more chestnut-sided warblers from the comfort of 
my couch than Audubon did all his life.

I like Caroline's big yard suggestion, but wasn't sure if I'd participate 
because (1) I don't spend a lot of time at home, and (2) the time I do is 
sitting on my windowside couch early in the morning in a half-asleep state, 
only casually noticing things as they flit by (which qualifies me for a 
subcategory: couch potato birding :-), and I wasn't sure that I wanted to put 
in the effort to get a good count. But this morning, the birds are conspiring 
against my laziness, showing up with great variety: warbling vireo (visual and 
silent), Baltimore oriole, foy rose-breasted grosbeak, red-breasted and 
white-breasted nuthatches (rbnu a feeder regular for the last couple months), a 
crow chasing a raven, red-bellied woodpecker, northern flicker, caro wren, 
downy, cowbird, robin, chickadee, goldfinch, modo, junco. And for a while a 
non-warbling vireo was singing - seemed closer to red-eyed but a bit off, can't 
rule out a philadelphia, I suppose. By muckrace rules I can count this vireo sp 
as one bird :-).

So I suppose you can consider this post my submission to the contest :-)

And I'm not counting the Koel whose distinctly-heard song perked me up for a 
bit before I realized it was coming from the BBC coverage of the Indian 
elections on TV :-)


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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