The YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD was with a flock of European Starlings yesterday in the first block west of the corner of NYS-89 & Armitage.
--Dave Nutter

Begin forwarded message:

Date: January 19, 2013 4:39:06 PM
Subject: GeneseeBirds-L Digest, Vol 114, Issue 35

Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013 16:15:28 -0500
From: Steve Taylor <>
Subject: [GeneseeBirds-L] Townsend's Solitaire, Yellow Headed
Message-ID: <20130119211529.KJR5Y.141922.root@hrndva-web10-z02>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

The TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE is still present at Sampson State Park between Geneva and Ithaca. I saw it this morning at ~11:30 AM. It was perched in the tip-top of a deciduous tree on the east side of the park road in the same area where it has been present since early December. This particular tree seems to be its favorite vantage point, as I have seen it on four occasions in the tip-top of this exact tree.

Over at Montezuma, despite today's thaw, everything is completely iced over. There was nothing at Tschache (except for one adult Bald Eagle), Knox-Marcellus, and Puddlers. At Mud Lock there were several hundred TUNDRA SWANS, and at least six BALD EAGLES. I could not locate the Red Headed Woodpecker that was present along Rt 89 earlier this week.

On Armitage Road, between Route 89 and Olmsted Road, a flock of ~500 Starlings flew in front of my car. In the flock was a bird with white flashes in the wings. Fortunately for me, the flock descended into a field on the south side of the road, and I was able to study an absolutely stunning male YELLOW HEADED BLACKBIRD for a few minutes. The flock was very skittish, and did not stay in one spot for more than a few minutes, but did move around the field to a low spot that still has some open water. There were no other blackbird species in the flock!!!

Parenthetically, I am still in shock that I have seen two adult male Yellow-Headed Blackbirds thus far in 2013, thanks to Brad Carlson's hospitality back on January 3rd.

Good Birding to All,
Steve Taylor
Pittsford NY

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