This morning I spent a couple hours in the woods between the Cayuga Medical Center and the Black Diamond Trail (the railroad grade above NYS 89 in the Town of Ithaca.  I was searching for a species which I'd found there in previous years, and I'd about given up when I finally heard a HOODED WARBLER singing.  It changed location frequently and covered a huge swath of forest.  If I hadn't seen it fly several times I might have thought I was hearing males from several territories sequentially.  At one point as it sang near a stream a LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH began singing close by, and I suspect the Hooded Warbler's loud and a bit similar song set it off.  I hadnt't seen or heard any Louisiana Waterthrushes beforehand. 

A (late?) BLACKPOLL WARBLER sang from Locust Trees near the birding kiosk in Cass Park yesterday evening and this morning. 

Several DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANTS are still in our area.

--Dave Nutter
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