I left out 39 Short-billed Dowitchers from the shorebird tally at East
Rd. MNWR.  All but one appeared to be prairie birds.
Good birding,

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 11:52 PM, Tom Johnson <t...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> All,
> Chris Wood, Jessie Barry, Matt Medler, and I birded around the
> Montezuma area (Seneca/ Wayne Co.) this evening (Friday 16 July).  We
> had some excellent birds thanks to some nice picks by Chris.  The
> continuing adult Tundra Swan was standing on a log next to the
> observation tower at Tschache Pool MNWR.  The first major highlight of
> the evening was a female Prothonotary Warbler at Mays Point Pool at
> Montezuma NWR.  The bird was along the road at the interface of the
> leafy forest and the dead timber with a flock of chickadees, etc.  The
> western impoundment at Knox-Marcellus/ MNWR as viewed from East Rd.
> and Towpath Rd. was spectacular (best shorebirding potential in the
> refuge area since 2006).  Shorebirds are decidedly IN with over 1000
> individuals tonight, and included the following counts or careful
> estimates:
> 40 Killdeer
> 415 Lesser Yellowlegs
> 28 Greater Yellowlegs
> 595 Least Sandpiper
> 55 Semipalmated Sandpiper
> 6 Stilt Sandpiper
> 5 Pectoral Sandpiper
> 22 Spotted Sandpiper
> 5 Solitary Sandpiper
> At the end of Van Dyne Spoor Rd. near Savannah, a few Least Bitterns
> made their presence known immediately upon our arrival.  As we settled
> in to enjoy a prodigious swallow roost flight that ended up totalling
> well over 10,000 individuals of all local species (including 7500
> Bank, 4000 Tree, 1800 Barn,  75 Northern Rough-winged, 5 Cliff
> Swallows and 115 Purple Martins!!), Chris shockingly picked out a
> female Yellow-headed Blackbird flying in to the cattails to roost with
> Red-winged Blackbirds.  We failed to relocate that bird, but did enjoy
> a second year male Orchard Oriole that perched up briefly and sang.
> Two American Woodcock in the middle of the road on the way out at dusk
> made a sweet end to the evening.
> I'll upload a photo of the Prothonotary Warbler here shortly:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/bonxie88
> Cheers,
> Tom
> --
> Thomas Brodie Johnson
> Ithaca, NY
> t...@cornell.edu
> mobile:  717.991.5727

Thomas Brodie Johnson
Ithaca, NY
mobile:  717.991.5727


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