[cayugabirds-l] Ithaca "Christmas" Bird Count 1/1/2013 - quick & dirty data; what to look for

2013-01-01 Thread nutter.dave
From my notes at the compilation of today's Ithaca Christmas Bird Count:These 95 Species (plus 1 hybrid) were found on today's count:Snow GooseCackling Goose - 2 at Stewart Park by Ken RosenbergCanada GooseTundra Swan  - new high of 396: many flocks migratingGadwall5American Wigeon - 2 at Stewart Park by Ken Rosenberg?American Black DuckMallard(Mallard x American Black Duck - 1 at Stewart Park?)Northern PintailRedhead10Ring-necked DuckGreater ScaupLesser ScaupSurf Scoter - 1 north of East Shore by Chris WoodWhite-winged Scoter - 1 at Stewart Park by Ken Rosenberg?15BLACK SCOTER - NEW FOR COUNT - 2 from Treman or west shore by Scott Sutcliffe, possibly those I found Friday 28 DecemberLong-tailed Duck - 1 by Chris Wood (location?)BuffleheadCommon GoldeneyeHooded Merganser20Common MerganserRuddy Duck - 2 in southwest part of Cayuga Lake found by meRuffed GrouseWild TurkeyCommon Loon - 1 flying south of Myers found by Kevin McGowan & Lee Ann Van Leer25Pied-billed Grebe - 1 north of East Shore found by ?Double-crested Cormorant - 1 southwest Cayuga Lake found by Scott SutcliffeGreat Blue HeronTurkey VultureBald Eagle30Northern HarrierSharp-shinned HawkCooper's HawkNorthern Goshawk - 1 found by Chris Wood coming to his feedersRed-tailed Hawk35Rough-legged HawkAmerican KestrelMerlin - 4 Peregrine Falcon - 1 found by Bob McGuire at Stewart ParkAmerican Coot40Ring-billed GullHerring GullGlaucous Gull - 1 found by Chris Wood at Stewart Park?Great Black-backed GullRock Pigeon45Mourning DoveEastern Screech-OwlGreat Horned OwlBarred OwlNorthern Saw-whet Owl - 1 attracted to Chris Wood in his hot tub50Belted KingfisherRed-bellied WoodpeckerDowny WoodpeckerHairy WoodpeckerNorthern Flicker55Pileated WoodpeckerNorthern ShrikeBlue JayAmerican CrowFish Crow - 6 found by Kevin McGowan near Sciencenter60Common Raven - 20Horned LarkBlack-capped ChickadeeTufted TitmouseRed-breasted Nuthatch65White-breasted NuthatchBrown CreeperCarolina WrenWinter Wren - 1 by Bill Evans (location?)Golden-crowned Kinglet70Eastern BluebirdAmerican RobinNorthern MockingbirdEuropean StarlingAmerican Pipit - 1 at Dodge & Stevenson Rds by Gin Mistry, 1 on white lighthouse jetty by Ken Rosenberg75Cedar WaxwingLapland Longspur - 2 found by Meena Haribal on Irish Settlement Rd near NYS-13Snow BuntingYellow-rumped Warbler - 3 found by Asher Hockett below old NCR factory on South HillAmerican Tree Sparrow80Savannah Sparrow - 1 on Bluegrass Lane, 1 on Waterwagon Rd by NYS-34Song SparrowSwamp SparrowWhite-throated SparrowDark-eyed Junco85Northern CardinalRed-winged Blackbird - 3Brown-headed Cowbird - 5Purple FinchHouse Finch90Common RedpollHoary Redpoll - 1 on Sheldon Rd south of NYS-34-B found by Colleen RichardsPine SiskinAmerican GoldfinchHouse Sparrow95These species have already been found as Count Week birds, but may or may not have been found yet in the Cayuga Lake Basin in 2013:Northern Shoveler - found count week last 3 days at Stewart & Treman Parks; found outside count circle today at Myers by Chris WoodCanvasback - found count week by me off Treman ParkLesser Black-backed Gull - count week: found on 30 December by me on southwestern Cayuga LakeWhite-crowned Sparrow - count week (I don't know how many, where, when, or by whom) These species have been found in previous counts, but are missing from this year's count. Some were flukes not expected again, others may be in the circle or elsewhere in the Cayuga Lake Basin. Please report these birds if you find them, especially if you find them in or near the count circle this Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, so we can include them as Count Week birds:Greater White-fronted GooseRoss's GooseBrantMute SwanWood DuckBlue-winged TealGreen-winged TealKing EiderRed-breasted MerganserNorthern BobwhiteRing-necked PheasantRed-throated LoonHorned GrebeRed-necked GrebeGreen HeronOspreyRed-shouldered HawkGolden EagleKilldeerWilson's SnipeBonaparte's GullSnowy OwlLong-eared OwlShort-eared OwlRed-headed WoodpeckerYellow-bellied SapsuckerAmerican Three-toed WoodpeckerEastern PhoebeBoreal ChickadeeHouse WrenRuby-crowned KingletHermit ThrushGray CatbirdBrown Thrasher - unverified count week report on South HillBohemian WaxwingOvenbird Orange-crowned WarblerCommon YellowthroatYellow WarblerPine WarblerGreen-tailed TowheeEastern TowheeChipping SparrowField SparrowGrasshopper SparrowFox SparrowHarris's SparrowRose-breasted GrosbeakDickcisselEastern MeadowlarkRusty BlackbirdCommon GrackleBaltimore OriolePine GrosbeakRed CrossbillWhite-winged CrossbillEvening GrosbeakSPOTTED SANDPIPER - not on count before; found by Kevin McGowan at Ladoga just outside count circle todayGet out and find 'em! A new year of listing has begun!--Dave Nutter
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[cayugabirds-l] American Pipit, at Dodge & Stevenson Rds

2013-01-01 Thread Nari Mistry
An American Pipit was seen yesterday and again today at the intersection 
of Dodge Rd & Stevenson Rd by my wife Gin. Unfortunately when I got to 
the spot today just ten minutes after Gin, a  truck passed by possibly 
driving it off.  A Pipit has been seen sometimes in prior years in 
winter at this spot.
I found very few birds during my frigid wind-blown CBC count walk this 
morning along E Ithaca Rec Way and Dodge Rd. I tried for quite a while 
for the Screech Owl to show in its hole on the Rec Way but it was absent 
or stayed hidden --- there were several yapping barking dogs holding a 
session right there. (More dogs than birds were seen!)
Happy New Year,
  Nari Mistry


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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
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[cayugabirds-l] Redpolls

2013-01-01 Thread Carol Keeler
Each day I've had 3 C Redpolls at my feeders.  Today I have a flock of about 
15.  I still have large flocks of Juncos and Tree Sparrows.  The regulars are 
still coming as well.  One new bird today was a Cowbird.  It's a very busy day 
at the feeders.

Sent from my iPad

Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
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[cayugabirds-l] CBC highlights from Area IX (Lansing), Tues 1/1/13

2013-01-01 Thread Mark Chao
Our crew of counters has turned up some exciting birds in Area IX of the
Ithaca CBC circle (Lansing) so far today.


* SAVANNAH SPARROW found by Bob Horn and seen by several others, including
me, in the brush at the northeast corner of the intersection of East Shore
Drive and Water Wagon Road.  This bird had a pink bill, yellow face
especially at the front of the eyebrow stripe, crisp dark frontal streaks
without a central spot.


* Approximately six SNOW BUNTINGS found by Bob and Joan Horn along Water
Wagon Road.


* MERLIN along Benson Road at the first house south of Route 34B.  This
brown-backed bird spent several minutes in the first tree south of this
house right along the road, circled and returned once, then flew east across
the road and perched again in the line of trees at the back of an open


* Two ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS found by Jill Vaughan and Marianne Ludwigsen along
Route 34B across from the north end of Benson Road.


* BARRED OWL seen by Donna Scott along Van Ostrand Road at 5:35 AM.


* NORTHERN HARRIER seen from Snyder Road, circling far to the south, surely
out of Area IX (hard to tell if it was over the Freese/Hanshaw area or even
farther to the south in Area IV).


All this in a few hours, plus the shrike that Kevin found and Lee Ann
reported.  Not bad for a cold, windy morning!


Mark Chao







Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[cayugabirds-l] Northern Shrike

2013-01-01 Thread Lee Ann van Leer
Now On Cayuga Vista btwn East Shore Drive and  woodsedge rd

Spotted by Kevin McGowan

Sent from my iPhone


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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