[cayugabirds-l] CayugaRBA im GLAUCOUS GULL on red lighthouse break...

2012-11-16 Thread 6072292158
CayugaRBA im GLAUCOUS GULL on red lighthouse breakwater
--Dave Nutter


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[cayugabirds-l] pine siskin

2012-11-16 Thread Bill Mcaneny
One pine sisken finally made a stop in our yard this a.m.  It skipped the
new nyger tube filled with delicious fresh seed and instead joined the house
finches on the platform with Ithaca Blend.  However, there were 5
goldfinches on the nyger, a high this fall. Just before the siskin appeared,
a Pileated WP flew in to the trunk of a nearby tree (ornamental crabapple)
and poked around briefly.  It may have been the same bird that appeared
yesterday, ending a long absence of pileates.  Its appearance yesterday made
it a five-woodpecker day, all seen from inside the house.  No sapsucker.  We
had another 5 WP day a couple of months ago, lacking only a pileated. 
Bill and Shirley McAneny, T'Burg


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[cayugabirds-l] Monday Night Seminar: "Engaging People in Bird and Habitat Conservation" by Ashley Dayer

2012-11-16 Thread charles eldermire
This coming Monday's speaker Ashley Dayer will be speaking on getting people 
engaged in bird conservation. Hope to see you here!

Monday, November 19, 7:30PM
Cornell Lab of Ornithology Auditorium

Engaging People in Bird and Habitat Conservation
Ashley Dayer, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

How do we close the gap between knowing and doing? Dayer proposes that there is 
an "implementation crisis" because what science has learned about threats to 
birds is not being translated into steps that could halt species 
declines.What's needed, Dayer argues, is a new focus on people. She will 
introduce this new way of thinking about bird conservation and provide examples 
nationally and locally of where people are effectively engaging in bird and 
habitat conservation.

About the speaker:
Dedicated to wildlife conservation academically and professionally, Ashley 
Dayer focuses on the human dimensions of wildlife conservation, aiming to 
enhance conservation success through effective and strategic education and 
communications.  A leader in national and international bird conservation, 
Ashley actively participates in conservation networks through her affiliation 
with Cornell Lab of Ornithology, including in Bird Education Alliance for 
Conservation as Chair; Partners in Flight Education and Communications Working 
Groups as Chair; The State of the US Birds Science and Communications Teams; 
and North American Bird Conservation Initiative Communications Committee.  She 
was recently the managing co-editor (with Ken Rosenberg) of the “Saving Our 
Shared Birds: Partners in Flight Tri-national Vision for Landbird 
Conservation”, which was published in English, French, and Spanish.

Charles Eldermire
Bird Cams Project Leader
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850
SkypeID: celdermire


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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
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3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Brave titmouse

2012-11-16 Thread Susan Fast
Yesterday afternoon, a male COOPER'S HAWK swooped past our feeders, then
chased a couple small birds around in a large honeysuckle bush adjacent.
The hawk then moved a bit to a small black walnut.  Watching it, I was
surprised to see a TUFTED TITMOUSE literally dancing around on a walnut
branch, barely 4' from the hawk.  Much open space between the two.  I
imagined the titmouse saying "nyah, nyah, can't get me".  The hawk stared at
this incredible act of bravado for perhaps 10 seconds, then flew off.
Imagine the story the titmouse will tell its grandchildren!



Steve Fast



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2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Downy Woodpecker

2012-11-16 Thread Linda Orkin
This morning I watched from my kitchen window as a female Downy Woodpecker
explored every edge and crack in the frame of the french doors, looking for
any speck of insect.  It was neat to watch her crane her head all around to
peer with her bright eyes.

Linda Orkin
Ithaca, NY

Don't ask what your bird club can do for you, ask what you can do for your
bird club!! <')_,/


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] funny C Wren

2012-11-16 Thread Nancy W Dickinson
Yesterday morning I was sitting at my home computer when I heard a tapping and 
scraping sound under my feet, like a mouse gnawing on the woodwork.  I went 
down to the basement and found not a rodent but a Carolina Wren , pecking at 
the window frame, trying to get out.  It must have come in the tiny hole where 
the oil pipe enters.  I opened the door to the outside and it left before long. 
 I'm glad I found it before it was too late!

Nancy Dickinson

Make a little birdhouse in your soul.


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Carolina Wren

2012-11-16 Thread Diana
I had a Carolina Wren this morning. It's not a new visitor, but uncommon for us.

Diana Whiting


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Taughannock Loon Watch - Nov 10-16

2012-11-16 Thread Ethan Kistler
Hi all,

The last week has been rather slow on the loon watching front, hence the lack 
of reports. Between Nov 10-13, only 23 were recorded south (and 4 north). 
Wednesday, Nov 14th, improved with 342 south (5 north) with the addition of a 
Red-throated Loon as well. Yesterday and today were nearly identical – 93/98 
south (10/2 north) with 30-35 sitting on the water both days.

Other birds of note include six Tundra Swans on the 13th, Red-necked Grebes (2 
on the 12th, 1 on the 13th), Snow Buntings daily, and Merlin every other day. 
Small numbers of waterfowl moving as well.

Feel free to join the watch this weekend. Tomorrow could produce some 
southbound loons but southerly winds on Sunday don’t look promising. 



Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Invitation

2012-11-16 Thread Linda Orkin
The Cayuga Bird Club Field Trip invites all comers... Members and Non.
Saturday, November 17.  Meet at Lab of Ornithology parking lot, 7 AM

Steve Fast will lead a trip to Fair Haven on Lake Ontario (about a 1½ hour
drive). The group will spend three hours looking for waterfowl, shorebirds,
and more. Susie Fast will talk about the geology of the area. There will be
a food stop along the way, but participants are encouraged to bring a lunch
and snacks. Dress for windy conditions. Contact Steve at
sustfast@yahoo.comor at 539-6967 with questions.

Always an interesting day with the Fasts.


Linda Orkin
President, Cayuga Bird Club

Don't ask what your bird club can do for you, ask what you can do for your
bird club!! <')_,/


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Cayuga Lake, Thursday pm

2012-11-16 Thread nutter.dave
Yesterday afternoon (15 Nov 2012) the lake was dead calm, and the temperature in the upper forties F made for little heat shimmer and good long-distance viewing. Ann Mitchell & I could see just how few birds there were! With a late start we skipped Stewart Park. From East Shore Park we saw a couple COMMON LOONS, at least one DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT, and a couple each of HORNED & PIED-BILLED GREBES. We skipped Ladoga on account of sun glare. From Myers Point we saw 14 COMMON LOONS,  an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL among the hundreds of RING-BILLED, dozens of HERRING, and several GREAT-BLACK-BACKED gulls. One of the adult Great Black-backed Gulls which we also saw there Tuesday had a head wound, and its hind crown is matted with blood, but it is evidently surviving and may be recognizable for awhile. There were also 2 HORNED GREBES, and 3 BELTED KINGFISHERS - 2 very active at Myers and the third all the way across the lake. There were 3 NORTHERN FLICKERS on the lawn. Long Point had 2 female LONG-TAILED DUCKS very close both to each other and to shore, several AMERICAN BLACK DUCKS, 3 HORNED GREBES together far to the west, 46 COMMON LOONS scattered about, and lots of gulls of the 3 usual species. From the L-P bluffs we saw hundred of mostly RING=-BILLED GULLS and CANADA GEESE resting on & near the delta of Paine's Creek until an adult BALD EAGLE cruised past us at eye-level and briefly flushed them all. We could also see 2 HORNED GREBES just north of the Wells College Boathouse. Looking east from the bluffs I saw 2 distant COMMON RAVENS, perhaps the same 2 we saw Tuesday mid-day by the fields along Lake Rd as we descended from NYS-90.From the boathouse itself and Mackenzie Childs bluffs we did not even try to count the many distant COMMON LOONS. There was also a distant flock of gulls on the water from the boathouse and a distant flock of SNOW GEESE on the water off the M-C bluffs. From Frontenac Harbor (former Castelli's) in Union Springs we saw 6 adult and 1 immature BONAPARTE'S GULLS, mostly foraging by diving tern-like completely into the water. A GREAT BLUE HERON was along the shore to the north. There was a pair of GADWALL in the Factory Street pond, but no screech-owl was visible. From Harris Park we saw a pair of MUTE SWANS fairly close, but we could hear the TUNDRA SWANS from the west shore. The price of  such a late start was skipping Montezuma NWR entirely, which felt weird, but we wanted to spend our time by the flat lake, and were glad there was still light when we arrived at Cayuga Lake State Park. Small flocks of TUNDRA SWANS kept flying in to join the scores already present. To the south along with flocks of CANADA GEESE was a flock of AMERICAN COOTS with several AMERICAN WIGEON and a few GADWALL mixed in. As AMERICAN CROWS flew west toward Auburn we saw glittering in the sky above them from a high flock of northbound SNOW GEESE. To our north were mixed flocks of GREATER and LESSER SCAUP and RUDDY DUCKS with at least 1 REDHEAD, 4 CANVASBACKS, and 1 female BUFFLEHEAD among them. Across the lake we could still see the MUTE SWAN pair and several foraging BONAPARTE'S GULLS. A single female COMMON GOLDENEYE slept in the middle of the lake, and a PIED-BILLED GREBE was closer to our shore. By mental tally we observed 48 species, including very few land birds, although we saw quite a few RED-TAILED HAWKS, a handful of TURKEY VULTURES, a pair of AMERICAN KESTRELS, and a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD as we drove.  It was a beautiful day with great viewing conditions. We wondered where all the rare gulls and ocean birds went.  --Dave Nutter
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