[cayugabirds-l] Sandhill Cranes, West Hill, Ithaca, Saturday

2015-04-12 Thread Dave Nutter
Stefhan Ohlström wrote to me yesterday (11 April) to say that about 3pm he had 
seen 2 SANDHILL CRANES take flight and go west from a cornstubble field on the 
north side of Mecklenburg Rd (NYS-79) in the Town of Ithaca.

Sorry for the delay relaying this exciting news, but I am just now catching up 
on email after the overnight SFO trip to Montezuma.

--Dave Nutter

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[cayugabirds-l] Purple Martins at Sheldrake Point

2015-04-12 Thread Marty Schlabach
Mary Jean and I made a quick birding trip up the west side of Cayuga Lake late 
this afternoon.  We saw a nice array of birds but perhaps the highlight was 
seeing that purple martins had returned to the martin houses at Sheldrake 
Point, in the bay just across from the winery.  We have not yet seen an osprey 
at the Footes Corners Road nest.  There are sticks on the platform, but I don't 
know if they are just the ones moved from the power pole to the platform when 
the platform was put up, or if nesting material has been added by ospreys this 

Marty Schlabach   m...@cornell.edu
8407 Powell Rd. home  607-532-3467
Interlaken, NY 14847   cell315-521-4315


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[cayugabirds-l] Local Cayuga Bird Club Field Trip on 4/12/15

2015-04-12 Thread Ann Mitchell
Gary Kohlenberg and I led a group of nine enthusiastic birders to some
popular birding spots. We first went to Monkey Run South. Highlights were
an Eastern Phoebe, three Wood Ducks flyingin circles trying to land in a
couple trees across the creek from us, an active Belted Kingfisher, a
Golden-crowned Kinglet, most species of woodpeckers, and a drumming Ruffed

Next we stopped by George Road where we saw hawks - a Red-tailed and
Rough-legged Hawk and a male Northern Harrier. At Dryden Lake, there were
two Common Loons and one Horned Grebe in breeding plumage, Hooded and
Red-breasted Mergansers, Redheads, Ring-necked Ducks, Gadwall, Black Ducks,
Green-winged Teal, Wood Ducks, and a Great-blue Heron. We heard, but did
not see, a Swamp Sparrow.

Lastly, we went to Herman Road Wetland in Freeville. We were rewarded with
a couple Lesser Black-backed Gulls. The additional ducks we saw for the day
were Common Mergansers and a couple Blue-winged Teal. We couldn't have
asked for better weather - sunshine and no wind. It was a perfect day to
enjoy the birds. Thanks to everyone that joined us.

Best, Ann


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[cayugabirds-l] tree swallows

2015-04-12 Thread Bill Mcaneny
We have about 16 nest boxes scattered around our field.  They were designed
and built for bluebirds and indeed every year some bluebirds have occupied 2
or 3 boxes.  The other boxes have proved attractive to house sparrows, tree
swallows, and even chickadees.  A couple of boxes serve as homes for field
mice. That's OK but it is a little disconcerting to be cleaning out old
nesting material and come up with a handful of squirming mouse.  

Early today there was activity at one of the boxes and I could see two tree
swallows trying to make a choice.  An additional 3 or 4 tree swallows were
fooling around on the hawk perch which you can see on the west side of rte
89 opposite the Boy Scout camp.  They may have been confused about what all
this house hunting was for. At any rate, it was a good sign of spring and
the first sign of tree swallows here this season.

BTW, a red tailed hawk has been using the perch almost every day since the
snow disappeared. Happy hunting.


Bill and Shirley McAneny, TBurg


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[cayugabirds-l] Forster's Tern

2015-04-12 Thread bilbaker
I led one of the 2 SFO day trips to Montezuma today. We saw a nice variety
of birds throughout the day, but the best sighting we had was a Forster's
Tern at Mud Lock around noon.  Everyone got good views of it both sitting
and flying as initially it was sitting on a piece of wood less than than 30
ft from the road. 

A complete report of our other sightings will follow.


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[cayugabirds-l] American Bittern Seneca Falls today

2015-04-12 Thread John VanNiel
I had an American Bittern on our wetland today in Seneca Falls. FOY for me at 

Dr. John Van Niel
Professor of Environmental Conservation
Director, East Hill Campus
Finger Lakes Community College


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[cayugabirds-l] Yellow-headed Blackbird, Union Springs

2015-04-12 Thread Jay McGowan
Frank Morlock just let me know he briefly had a male YELLOW-HEADED
BLACKBIRD with a flock of blackbirds coming to his feeder near the
intersection of Number One Road and Wheeler Road in Union Springs. He had
just gotten home so does not know if it had been around long or will stick,
but says it just flew north in the direction of Spring Road.

Jay McGowan
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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[cayugabirds-l] CBC field trip

2015-04-12 Thread cl...@juno.com
Thanks Ann and Gary for an enjoyable morning @ Monkey Run, George Rd. and 
Dryden Lake. Due to the quick separate trip back to the Lab I think our car had 
a total of 44 species. Highlights were wood ducks in flight (repeatedly), 4 
species of woodpecker (all but hairy and flicker) and golden-crowned kinglet at 
Monkey Run south; male harrier, redtail and roughlegged hawks at George Road; 
and all manner of waterfowl at Dryden Lake, including wood ducks, ringnecked, 
redhead, common/redbreasted and hooded mergansers, Am. black, mallard, gadwall, 
common loons, and horned grebe plus a great blue heron and a female harrier. I 
rounded out my day with an afternoon trip to Jetty Woods and the great horned 
owl nest on the golf course. Rescued a few meek souls from the hissing Canada 
geese along the entire length of the lighthouse pier, too. What a gorgeous 
day!Colleen Richards

Old School Yearbook Pics
View Class Yearbooks Online Free. Search by School & Year. Look Now!

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[cayugabirds-l] Ithaca Golf course Owls

2015-04-12 Thread Carl Steckler
great views of mother and chicks standing on  nest 4:30 today


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[cayugabirds-l] redpolls continue

2015-04-12 Thread Kevin J. McGowan
Wow! A beautiful male Common Redpoll in a late afternoon shaft of sunlight. The 
deep rose on his throat opened up and faded across his chest, as if he had 
spilled a bright red wine down his front. In the intense sunshine the red was 
electric against the white cheeks and chest. I took a couple photos, which I 
will post tomorrow, but they only hint at the breathtaking experience of it in 
real life.
I still have at least six redpolls still coming to my feeder. I will enjoy them 
as long as they keep coming. I like redpolls a lot, and I really enjoy them 
all, even the dull ones. But, uf-dah! they can be gorgeous sometimes.



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[cayugabirds-l] Late Snow Geese

2015-04-12 Thread Geo Kloppel
Around 11:30 or 12:00 a flock of c. 35 Snow Geese went over West Danby.



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[cayugabirds-l] SFO Saturday

2015-04-12 Thread bob mcguire
Ann Mitchell and I led the single-day SFO trip up the lake yesterday. We were 
able to get everybody into two cars and acquaint the participants with many of 
the good birding spots along the east shore and around the Montezuma complex. 
The day started out cold with a strong north wind and remained chilly 

Our first stop was along Burdick Hill Road with an attempt astseeing an early 
Meadowlark. We heard one sing a couple of time but were never able to get it in 

>From there we headed to Myers, spending almost an hour on the spit and then at 
>Ladoga picking through the few remaining ducks. On the water to the south was 
>the largest number of HORNED GREBES I have ever seen there (25+/-), in a 
>selection of plumages, as well as Common Loons, a RED-THROATED LOON, and SURF 

Our next stop was along Center Road to fulfill a request for Horned Lark. A 
single lark popped up, but that was enough to bring a smile to Holly’s face.

We stopped again along Lake Road, downhill from the winery, and this time we 
were able to hear AND see our Eastern Meadowlark.

The lake at the Aurora boathouse was rough, but we were still able to pick out 
quite a few more Horned Grebes, Common Loons, and our first Red-breasted 

We continued up the lake to the refuge visitor’s center. A small flock of 
PURPLE MARTINs obliged by flying in and around the martin houses, giving great 
examples of their weird, electronic-sounding call. Feeding in the pool was a 
variety of dabling ducks, and we got great looks at both Green-winged and 
Blue-winged Teal, Northern Shovelers, Gadall, American Wigeon, and a couple of 
Northern Pintail. 

We drove the wildlife drive, hoping for Friday’s Trumpeter Swan (missed), but 
were rewarded by several singing Swamp Sparrows - first of the year for all of 

Lunch was eaten in the cars while we drove up to the Mucklands. We drove the 
southeast dike road off of Rt 31 and got fair looks at the small flock of 
BONAPARTE’s GULLs and stopped briefly at the end of the road to look over the 
remains of the Richmond Acqueduct (one of the hidden gems in the area). We then 
reversed course and drove the northeast dike road for our first look at GREATER 
YELLOWLEGS - some 15 in all. The rest of the Mucklands remained flooded, and 
the hunting pressure of the past few days assured that the area was mostly 
empty of waterfowl.

We drove down East Road in hope of finding the pair of SANDHILL CRANES (gone) 
but did get good looks at three recently-arrived GREAT EGRETs flying around the 
Knox-Marsellus Marsh.

Still seeking cranes, we drove up through Savannah and out Carncross Road. 
Still no cranes (though they had been seen shortly before taking off from the 
MAC and heading our way), but the partially-flooded corn field yielded several 
dozen Greater Yellowlegs. 

At that point we set our sights on home, with a quick stop back at the 
visitor’s center for the reported EURASIAN WIGEON. 

Our last bird of the day was a KESTREL on a wire, bringing the day’s total to 
68 species. Oh, and we tallied 23 OSPREYs for the drive. Virtually all of the 
nest platforms atop electric towers and poles seemed to be occupied. I can’t 
wait to see Candace and Karen’s map of their nests in the CL Basin!

Bob McGuire


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[cayugabirds-l] Dunlin, Savannah Mucklands

2015-04-12 Thread Jay McGowan
Dave Nicosia reports four DUNLIN and 24 GREATER YELLOWLEGS in the


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[cayugabirds-l] Pine Warblers back at Comstock Knoll

2015-04-12 Thread Scott Haber
Two Pine Warblers are chasing each other and singing on Comstock Knoll at 
around 945, Sunday morning.

Scott H


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Re: [cayugabirds-l] Crows chasing ravens

2015-04-12 Thread Geo Kloppel
Hi Ben,

I just saw the same thing a moment ago, except the Raven was flying _toward_ 
the L-P preserve (that is, leaving the nest area on a foraging mission), and 
very tightly harassed by a Crow, all the way down to the WD Fire Station area. 
Might even have been a member of the Crow family that's currently nesting in my 
yard, since the Ravens are passing back and forth right over the Crows' 

-Geo Kloppel

On Apr 11, 2015, at 12:33 PM, Benjamin Freeman  wrote:

> Hello,
> I went for a nice walk this morning at Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve. 
> Phoebes are back, Great Blue Herons are standing on nests near the fire 
> station (looked like seven occupied nests), fox sparrows and golden-crowned 
> kinglets were around, and a smattering of migrants passed overhead (common 
> loon, rough-legged hawk, and many turkey vultures).
> One interesting observation I wanted to share: I was watching a raven fly 
> across the valley when a bird came out of nowhere to chase and harass the 
> raven. It was a crow, and the crow followed the raven until I lost sight of 
> the two corvids. I've seen small groups of crows harass solitary ravens many 
> times, but don't think I've previously seen a single crow harass a single 
> raven with such vigor.
> Best,
> Ben
> -- 
> Benjamin Freeman
> Ph.D. candidate
> Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
> Cornell University
> Ithaca, NY, USA
> benjamingfreeman.com
> --
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[cayugabirds-l] Local Broad-winged Hawk returns

2015-04-12 Thread Geo Kloppel
This morning I came across a Broad-winged Hawk, perched in the very top of a 
forest tree, less than 100' from a previous year's nest, and calling repeatedly.

I wonder if it's true, as my own very limited experience suggests, that 
wherever one might be, the local Broadwings will arrive in the vanguard of the 
migratory wave.

I also saw some kind of fracas among three very vocal Pileated Woodpeckers. It 
went on for several minutes, but I couldn't determine the sexes...

-Geo Kloppel

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