Today, Ann Mitchell and I assisted this morning's Lab of O's Bird Sleuth
Summer Educator Retreat bird walk in Stewart Park (7-8:30am).  Participants
included a middle school teacher from Los Angeles who teaches an eighth
grade ornithology elective for 80 students in addition to a birding section
in her 7th grade science class.  Her district supports her in offering this
class, and she got a grant to buy binoculars for the class!  They go out
once a week to bird and four days are spent in class.  She was very excited
to get 23 new life birds on this outing. There were also two Peruvian
Amazonian tour guides among many educators.

It was a gorgeous morning and very bird active along the shore.   Jody
simultaneously met another group out at Cass Park.   Highlights included:
 three Green Herons flying from the Swan Pond and then from willow to
willow down the shoreline and back around to the pond.  They
"chirped/squawked" loudly within the trees.  I don't remember seeing these
guys last year, and I am wondering if they are part of the migration Dave
Nutter announced?

Last year, I recall the American Bittern was hanging out in this pond for
most of the summer. Did it return?

Other highlights for participants:  Blue-headed Vireo, Yellow Warbler,
female or immature Hooded Merganser hanging out with 4 Mallards, Northern
Flicker adult and immature, Fish Crows and American Crows calling, Wood
Frog calling, Cedar Waxwing, DC Cormorants, GB Gull, highly cooperative
Kingfishers, female Wood Duck, 3 Brown-headed Cowbirds, Osprey, kingbirds
begging and being fed by a parent at the pond, ...  I think Jody said we
got about 46 species today compiled.


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