During our guided shorebird walk this morning, which was attended by 60-70
people, we had a large number of AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS flyover with some
landing. There were a few smaller flocks but I and others got on a larger
flock of medium sized shorebirds moderately high up. I was able to get my
scope on this flock and zoom to 70X and confirm AGPL.  The white patterning
on the top of the head down the neck was apparent and various molting
stages of black in the underbelly were apparent with light  anxillaries. I
counted only 27 but I was so focused on keeping the birds in my scope on
high power that I  underestimated my count. I found out later than someone
got a photo of this same flock and counted 40 at least!  There were
other occasions where Jay McGowan, I and others heard AGPLs overhead but
couldn't locate them. We did see a flock of 6 land and another 2.  Sum
total of the entire group was about 58. This is an ebird record for Seneca
County. Of course we also had many other great birds including a flyover
DICKCISSEL early calling, and many got on this bird, the continuing first
Cayuga Basin record immature WHITE IBIS, immature LAUGHING GULL and
AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. I saw some lists with 92 species! Water levels are
down so mudflats and shorebird numbers were up. Big thanks to Josh
Snodgrass for leading today's walk and to all those who helped others get
on and ID birds. Also thanks to Linda Ziemba for doing such a great job
with the water levels at KM marsh which is attracting a lot of shorebirds.

Next Sunday September 8th 7 am is the last of these guided shorebird walks
on the dike at Knox Marsellus marsh for 2019. This year, by far, has had
the most attendance and we have see so many awesome birds. Thanks to the
folks at Montezuma who allow access to this birding gem. We had a large
diverse group of birders from professional down to folks who just
appreciate birds and nature. Everyone helped each other get on birds and
enjoyed the walk. Again, a great success that seems to be building more and
more each year!

Details for next week...meet at Montezuma Visitor's Center Sun Sept 8  7 am
(or at East Rd Overlook at 715 am). Bring water, snacks, sunscreen, bug
spray and your energy as we spend 4 to 6 hours on the dike. I will send
another reminder email out next week.

My list is here: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S59405265   I imagine
others will chime in as I really only touched upon the great birds we had

Dave Nicosia


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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