This past Saturday during the walk onto the dikes at Knox-Marsellus Marsh at 
Montezuma NWR I picked out a wigeon in non-breeding plumage whose ruddy sides, 
breast, and head indicated it to be a Eurasian Wigeon. One detail which made it 
differ from depictions and my previous sightings was that instead of the entire 
head being uniform in color, the top third of its head was a slightly darker 

Many people have since reported this bird. On Tuesday Dave Kennedy noted that 
in certain lighting conditions there appears to be a green streak behind its 
eye. Dave takes great photos, and you can see this in his eBird report which is 
referenced below. 

It will be interesting to see whether this bird shows more signs of 
hybridization as it molts into breeding plumage, which should happen during the 
next few weeks. My Sibley Guide says wigeons have non-breeding plumage in 
September, but breeding plumage starting in October.

If you see a Eurasian Wigeon in the Montezuma area during the next month or so, 
please include photos with your eBird report. Photos can be useful even if they 
are not beautiful, so I encourage everyone to make it a habit to include 
photos, if possible, with any eBird report of a rarity, and also to include a 
written description as a rule with any rarity - you may observe features which 
other people miss. 

- - Dave Nutter

Eurasian Wigeon (Mareca penelope) (1)
- Reported Aug 31, 2021 07:45 by David Kennedy
- Montezuma NWR--Towpath Rd., Seneca, New York
- Map:,-76.7457005&ll=43.0038224,-76.7457005
- Checklist:
- Media: 5 Photos
- Comments: "continuing.......faint green streak above eye in right light"


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