This a.m. I saw over a doz. unknown swallows heading SSE 
to the east of our house, 1/2 mi. from the lake. I don't know flight patterns 
well enough to ID them that way but they resembled what I've observed of Tree 
Swallows. Whatever they were, they're the first I've seen for a couple wks.. 

At Frontenac Park I saw 4 female Common Merganzers close to the docks. Not 
unusual but nice.

BTW, the lake waters are continuing to rise .... forecasters are predicting the 
level to perhaps rise 1 to 3 ft. above normal for this time of the yr., a time 
when the level is  already being dropped for winter.

Folks need to remember that Keuka L. empties into Seneca which then empties 
into Cayuga via the Seneca River here by the Lock. All these combined waters 
then have to go out north to Lake Ontario via the Seneca River/Canal ... a very 
narrow waterway as those of you that have traveled to MNWR have seen. 
Controlling these lake/river levels to prevent flooding or provide water to 
lakeside/canal dwellings is not easy. Lots of abuse gets dumped on the lock 
tenders because so few people understand.

Fritzie Blizzard


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