Hi Cayugabirders,

With this bright morning and the forecast of warm weather for the weekend, it 
seems that spring may finally be ramping up. Many signs of the coming season 
are already here, especially in the wooded hills in our state forests. Forested 
slopes echo with the hesitant staccato beat of drumming Yellow-bellied 
Sapsuckers, and the jumbled notes of Louisiana Waterthrush song reverberate 
along rocky streams. Winter Wrens herald the warming weather with their 
impossibly bubbly song, and the thumping of Ruffed Grouse hums through the 
landscape. It’s a great time to be a birder.

If you’re interested in seeing these species, and many more, a great way to do 
so is through Avicaching! 

Avicaching is a good excuse to get out into the trails and forests around 
Ithaca, exploring new areas, seeing some fun species, all while contributing to 
the knowledge of our local birds. In addition, the more that you Avicache, the 
higher your chance to win a pair of Zeiss binoculars! Importantly, between now 
and the end of June your local birding can help us understand more about the 
effects that roads have on birds and bird surveys. Roadside bias is an 
important element of any research conducted on birds, and Avicaching is helping 
us understand these biases. All you need to do to help is go birding! 25 people 
have taken part already, contributing more than 650 checklists—you can see the 
stats and map of locations here: http://ebird.org/ebird/avicache/home.

This weekend should bring a host of new arrivals into town if the forecast 
holds true—a push of Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Palm, Pine, and Yellow-rumped 
Warblers, some additional Louisiana Waterthrushes, and many more tidings of 
spring! If you make it out to appreciate these returning species, consider 
checking out an Avicache or two—who knows what you’ll find!

Wherever you go, I hope that you find some good birds. See you in the field.


Ian Davies
eBird Project Coordinator
Ithaca, NY


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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