For the 4th year Bald Eagles are nesting in Tompkins County on the west side of the lake. Knowing exactly where to set up my scope, this afternoon (14 February) I was able to look between branches of the high, deep nest and see the yellow-orange bill changing position against the white of the incubating adult's head. I don't recall ever seeing an adult in the open near this nest. I think they are shy. Later in the season when the youngsters step out of the nest there is better viewing, but the adults seem to stay away whenever I'm looking. I'm glad to see the nest is in use again because during last year's nesting season the adjacent land was deforested and a large house constructed. That house is now occupied, and I feared the birds would not come back. They've fledged 2 young each of the last 3 years (at least), although last year one of the juveniles was injured on nearby NYS-89 and captured to be rehabbed. Does anyone know the fate of that bird? 
--Dave Nutter
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