Here are the highlights of birds Dave Nutter and I saw today on the west
side of Cayuga Lake.  This list is not all-inclusive of what we saw.  Dave
will be posting a detailed list on eBird.  Six of these birds were my first
ever and marked with an asterisk.

Taughannok Marina
Canvas Backs, Lesser Scaup, Ringed-billed Gulls

Taughannok Swimming Beach with Diving Board, 8:54-9:15am
2 Wood Ducks*, Canvasback, Redhead, Ringed-necked, Lesser and Greater
Scaup, 2 Buffleheads, Common Merganser

Upper Taughannok Falls Overlook Parking Lot, 9:23-9:35am
6 Wood Ducks in flight, Red-tailed Hawk, Crow chasing Raven (also seen by
me on Monday*),

Congress Street Extension north of Trumansburg in Covert, 10:09am
2 American Pipits (up close!) were foraging among the corn stubble but then
came very close to the car and spent a long time in between the field and
snow mound in the wet ditch.

Sheldrake Point (along entire road)
1 Ruddy Duck (male), 2 American Wigeons, 2 American Black Ducks, 3
Ringed-necked Ducks (2 male, 1 female), Common Goldeneyes courting display
was very entertaining, 2 Wood Ducks, 5 Mute Swans, 1 Tundra Swan

Yale Farm Road, 2pm-3?
Rough-legged Hawk* (gave us a very long viewing while it hunted and ate a
vole and then hunted again while hovering like a kite), approx. 40 Snow
Bunting, 5 Tundra Swans, gulls, starlings, approximately 180 Snow Geese*
(and then hundreds and hundreds more all flying westerly!), and the Snowy
Owl* (with very little brown coloration, male?), and then as we were about
to leave, a Northern Harrier came out of a tree and swapped places in the
same tree with the Rough-legged Hawk!  So we watch Northern Harrier for
about 20 minutes.  As we were trying to leave yet another time, a Killdeer
flew in.

Rock River Road, Interlaken, 3:20pm
Flock or suite of birds flew into and through Sumac, one Bluebird* landed
on the telephone wire for excellent viewing of my first ever!  Beautiful
blue back and cinnamon belly underside.

Munson Road, Interlaken, about 4pm
American Kestrel seen on telephone wire and then hunting in fields.

 * * * * * * * * *
*"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ALIVE, for what
the world needs is people who have come ALIVE."  - Dr. Howard Thurman,
American Theologian, Clergyman and Activist (1900-1981) *

Sandra (Sandy) Wold

NYS Certified Math/Science Teacher and Tutor

Interdisciplinary Visionary Artist

Cayuga Basin Bioregion Map, Author, Originator, and Publisher


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