After walking around the main field at Bluegrass Lane North for a while
without too much success, I checked the corner where Tom originally found
the bird (southwest corner of large corn field off Hanshaw, or last corn on
your left as you travel south on Blugrass from Hanshaw, just before the
chainlink fence begins). It popped out and flew away in response to pishing
(or probably just my presence). I watched it in flight as it headed SW,
eventually landing right above my car, up on a cornstalk at the edge of the
cornfield that is on the west side of the road (so the northeast corner of
the patch of corn that runs along the southern half of the large field on
the west side of the northern section of Bluegrass Lane south of
Hanshaw...some Cardinalid directions for you there!) It sat up in the tops
of the corn for a couple of minutes giving its pink call repeatedly, then
dropped back and finally down into the corn and out of sight. Gary was just
walking back up the road at that point and only got to hear it, but he just
texted that it popped back up into view briefly as I left.

Anyway, in summary, it seems to be frequently the same stretch, so working
that area tomorrow seems pretty likely to be productive, although you
probably won't get a very long look. It does have some blue in the wings
and tail, but not a lot, it's mostly pale rufous/beige overall. I will post
some of my rather distant photos in a few minutes.


Jay McGowan
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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