Next Monday, March 8, at 7:30 pm will be the next monthly meeting of the Cayuga 
Bird Club. Dr. Stephen Kress will give his presentation, "Saving Seabirds with 
Social Attraction".
 About one third of all seabird species are threatened because of effects of 
invasive mammals, marine pollution, loss of forage fish and climate change. 
Against this grim background, Stephen Kress' presentation offers hope that 
people can bring seabirds back to historic nesting places and expand ranges by 
using innovative restoration methods based on animal behavior. Steve will 
explain how seabird biologists are saving species by restoring nesting colonies 
using methods that were first developed on the Maine coast where Steve's 
pioneering research using decoys, audio recordings and mirrors has become known 
as social attraction. This method, often combined with translocation of seabird 
chicks, is now helping at least 95 seabird species in 25 countries. Steve will 
explain how these techniques brought puffins and terns back to nesting islands 
on the Maine coast and how others are using the methods to save endangered 
seabirds worldwide.
 Stephen Kress is the founder of National Audubon Society's Project Puffin and 
a Visiting Fellow of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. He previously 
served as Vice-President for Bird Conservation for the National Audubon Society 
and Director of the Hog Island Audubon Camp in Bremen, Maine. His research 
focus is development of techniques for managing nesting seabirds. Hundreds of 
professional seabird biologists can trace their first interest in seabirds to 
internships with Project Puffin and many innovative seabird conservation 
methods that he developed in Maine are now standard practice worldwide. Dr. 
Kress received his Ph.D. from Cornell University and his Masters and 
undergraduate degrees from Ohio State University. He is coauthor with Derrick 
Z. Jackson of Project Puffin: The Improbable Quest to Bring a Beloved Seabird 
back to Egg Rock and the recently published The Puffin Plan, an autobiography 
for 12+ readers.  He is also author of many books on bird watching and 
gardening for birds. Many Ithacans know Steve from his popular Spring 
Ornithology courses at the Lab of Ornithology. This spring he is teaching it as 
a Zoom course for the Cayuga Bird Club.
  Register for Zoom meeting: Cayuga Bird Club meetings start at 7:30pm on 
the second Monday of each month, September through June, and are open to the 
public. Each virtual meeting will begin with the speaker's presentation, 
followed by club business.  Colleen RichardsCorresponding Secretary
Cayuga Bird Club
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